วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

sigala sutta

สิงคาลสูตร ทีฆนิกาย ปาฏิกวรรค siṅgāla sutta   ตรวจสอบใหม่ท้งหมด เพราะผิดมาก
Evamme sutaṃ                                                             Thus have I heard:
Ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā                                        On one occasion the Exalted One was dwellRājagahe viharati veruvane                                 the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels' Sanctuary,
Kalandakanivāpe                                                          near Rajagaha.

Tena kho pana samaye                                                             Now at that time,
Siṅgalako gahapatiputto                                          young Sigala, a householder's son,
Kalasseva vuṭṭhāya                                                    rising early in the morning,
Rājagahā nikkhamittavā                                           departing from Rajagaha,
Allavattho  allakeso                                                    with wet clothes and wet hair,

Pañjaliko puthuddisā namassati.                        worshipped with joined hands
the various quarters
Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhiṇaṇ disaṃ                              -- the East, the South,
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ                      the West, the North,.
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disaṃ                   the Nadir, and the Zenith
Atha kho bhagavatā pubbanhasamayaṃ        Then the Exalted One, having robed himself in theNivāsettavā pattacivaramādāya                      forenoon took bowl and robe, and entered
Rājagahaṃ piṇḍāya pāvisi.                                    Rajagaha for alms.

Addasā kho bhagavā siṅgālakaṃ                  Saw young Sigala, a householder's son,
Kalasseva vuṭṭhāya                                                    rising early in the morning,
Rājagahā nikkhamittava                                           departing from Rajagaha,
Allavatthaṃ allakesaṃ                                                             with wet clothes and wet hair,
Namassantaṃ pañjalikaṃ puthuddisā                             worshipped with joined hands
the various quarters

Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhiṇaṃ disaṃ                      -- the East, the South,
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ                      the West, the North,
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disaṃ                    the Nadir, and the Zenith.

Dissavana siṅgālakaṃ gahapatiputtaṃ          having seen young Sigala worshipping thus
Etadavoca                                                                        and spoke to him as follows:
kinnu tavaṃ                                                                    "Wherefore do you,                           
Gahapatiputta kālasseva vuṭṭhaya                    young householder,rising early in the
Rājagahā nikkhamittavā                                           morning,, departing from Rajagaha,

Allavattho allakeso                                                     with wet clothes and wet hair,
Pañjaliko puthuddisā namassati                                         worship, with joined hands
these various quarters
Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhiṇaṃ disaṃ                             -- the East, the South,
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ                      the West, the North,
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disanti.                                the Nadir, and the Zenith?"
Pitā mama bhante                                                        "My father, Lord, while dying, said to me:
Kālaṅ karonto evaṃ avaca                                     The six quarters,
Disā tāta namasseyyasīti.                                       dear son, you shall worship.
So kho ahaṃ bhante pitu vacanaṃ                     And I, Lord, respecting, revering,
Sakkaronto garukaronto                                           reverencing and honouring
Mānento pūjento                                                            my father's word,
Kālasseva vuṭṭhāya                                                    rise early in the morning,
Rājagahā nikkhamittavā                                           and leaving Rajagaha,
Allavattho allakeso                                                     with wet clothes and wet hair,
Pañjaliko puthuddisā namassāmi                       worship with joined hands,
these six quarters."

Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhinaṃ disaṃ                             -- the East, the South,
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ                      the West, the North,
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disanti.                                the Nadir, and the Zenith.
Na kho gahapatiputta                                     "It is not thus, young householder,
Ariyassa vinaye  evaṃ                                                              the six quarters should be worshipped
Cha disā namassitabbāti.                                        in the discipline of the noble."
Yadhākathaṃ pana bhante                                     "How then, Lord, should the six quarters
Ariyassa vinaye                                                            be worshipped in
Cha disā namassitabbā.                                           the discipline of the noble?
Sadhu me bhante bhagavā                                      It is well, Lord, if the Exalted One
Tatha dhammaṃ desetu                                           would teach the doctrine to me showing
Yathā ariyassa vinaye                                                               how the six quarters should be worshipped
Cha disā namassitabbāti.                                        in the discipline of the noble."

Tenahi gahapatiputta                                     "Well, young householder, listen and bear
Suṇāhi sādhukaṃ manasikaroti                                           it well in mind;

Bhāsissāmīti.                                                                                 I shall speak." -- "
Evaṃ bhanteti kho                                                       Very good, Lord,"
Siṅgālako gahapatiputta                                          responded
Bhagavato paccassosi.                                                            young Sigala.
Bhagavā etadavoca                                       And the Exalted One spoke as follows:
Yato  kho gahapatiputta                                           "Inasmuch, young householder,   
Ariyasāvakassa cattāro                                                           as the noble disciple
Kammakilesā pahīna honti                             (1) has eradicated the four vices in conduct,[1]
Catūhi ṭānehi                                                                   (2) inasmuch as he commits
Pāpakāmmaṃ na karoti.                                          no evil action in four ways,
Cha ca bhogānaṃ apayamukhāni                  (3) inasmuch as he pursues not the six channels
Na sevati.                                                                         for dissipating wealth,
So evaṃ cuddasapāpakāpagato                          he thus, avoiding these fourteen evil things,
Chadisāpaṭicchādī hoti                                             covers the six quarters, and enters the path leading
Ubholokavijyāya paṭipanno hoti                                           to victory in both worlds: he is
favoured in this world
Tassa ayañceva loko                                                                 and in the world beyond.
Āraddho hoti paro ca loko                                        Upon the dissolution of the
So sakāyassa bhedā paraṃ maraṇā                                 body, after death,
Sugatiṃ saggaṃ lokaṃ upapajjati.                    he is born in a happy heavenly realm.
Katamassa cattāro kammakilesā                  (1) "What are the four vices in
Pahīṇā honti                                                                    conduct that he has eradicated?

Pāṇātipāto kho gahapatiputta                               The destruction of life, householder,
Kammakileso                                                                  is a vice and
Adinnādānaṃ kammakileso                                  so are stealing,
Kāmesu micchācāro kammakileso                    sexual misconduct,
Musavādo kammakileso                                                           and lying.
Imassa cattāro kammakilesā                                                These are the four vices
Pahīṇā hontīti.                                                                                that he has eradicated."
Idamavoca bhagavā                                                    Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vattavana sugato                                                             And when the Master had thus spoken,
Athāparaṃ etadavoca satthā                                                he spoke yet again: 

Pāṇātipāto                                                                        "Killing,
Adinnādānaṃ                                                                  stealing,
Musāvādo pavuccati                                                  lying
Paradāragamanañceva                                                             and adultery,
Na pasaṃsanti paṇḍitāti.                                         These four evils the wise never praise.
Katamehi catūhi ṭhānehi                                                          (2) "In which four ways
Pāpakammaṃ na karoti                                            does one commit no evil action?
Chandāgatiṃ gacchanto                                           Led by desire
Pāpakammaṃ karoti                                                   does one commit evil.
Dosāgatiṃ gacchanto                                                                Led by anger
Pāpakammaṃ karoti                                                   does one commit evil.
Mohagatiṃ gacchanto                                                               Led by ignorance
Pāpakammaṃ karoti                                                   does one commit evil.

Bhayāgatiṃ gacchanto                                                          Led by fear
Pāpakammaṃ karoti.                                                                 does one commit evil.[2]
Yato  kho gahapatiputta                                                           "But inasmuch
Ariyasāvako                                                                    as the noble disciple is not led by and
Neva chandāgatiṃ gacchati                                   desire,
Na dosāgatiṃ gacchati                                                             anger,
Na mohāgatiṃ gacchati                                                            ignorance,
Na bhayāgatiṃ gacchati                                           fear,
Imehi catūhi ṭhanehi pāpakammaṃ                   he commits
Na karotīti.                                                                       no evil."
Idamavoca bhagavā                                                    Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vattavāna  sugato                                                            And when the Master had thus spoken,
Athaparaṃ etadavoca satthā                                                he spoke yet again:
Chandā dosā bhayā mohā                                      "Whoever through desire, hate or fear,
Yo dhammaṃ ativattati.                                                           Or ignorance should transgress
the Dhamma,
Nihīyato tassa yaso                                                    All his glory fades away
Kāḷapkkheva candimā.                                                              Like the moon during the waning half.

Chandā dosā bhayā mohā                                       Whoever through desire, hate or fear,
Yo dhammaṃ nativattati.                                        Or ignorance never transgresses
the Dhamma
Āparati tassa yaso                                                      All his glory ever increases
Sukkapakkheva candimā                                         Like the moon during the waxing half.

Katamāni  cha bhogānaṃ                              (3) "What are the six channels for
dissipating wealth
Apāyamukkhāni na sevati                             which he does not pursue?

Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānānuyogo                    (a) "indulgence in intoxicants
Kho gahapatiputta                                                        which cause of decreasing and
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukhaṃ                                       losing of wealth

Vikālavisikhācariyānuyogo                           (b) sauntering in streets at unseemly hours;
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukhaṃ                                       which cause of decreasing and
losing of wealth.

Samajjābhicaranaṃ                                       (c)frequenting theatrical shows
which cause of
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukhaṃ                              decreasing and losing of wealth.

Jūtappamādaṭṭhānānuyogo                           (d) indulgence in gambling which causes  
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukkhaṃ                            of decreasing and losing of wealth.

Pāpamittānuyogo                                           (e) association with evil companions
which cause ;
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukkhaṃ                            of decreasing and losing of wealth.

Ālassānuyogo                                                 (f) the habit of idleness.which cause of decreasing
Bhoganaṃ apāyamukkhaṃ                                     and losing of wealth
Cha khome gahapatiputta                              (a) "There are, young householder,
Adīnavā                                                                              these six evil consequences in indulging in
Surāmerayamajjapamadaṭṭhānānuyoge          intoxicants which cause infatuation and heedlessness:
Sandiṭṭhikā dhanajāni                                                                i"loss of wealth,
Kalahappavaḍḍhanī                                                     ii. increase of quarrels,
Rogānaṃ āyatanaṃ                                                    iii. susceptibility to disease,
Akittisañjananī                                                                               iv. earning an evil reputation,
Hirikopinaniddaṃsanī                                                                v. shameless exposure of body,
Paññāya dubbalīkaraṇītaveva                                               vi. weakening
Chaṭṭhaṃ padaṃ bhavati(b)                                   of intellect.
Ime kho gahapatiputta                                                               "There are, young householder,
these six evil
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     consequences  in indulging in intoxicants
 surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānānuyoge                          whichcause infatuation and heedlessness:
cha khome gahapatiputta                                        There are, young householder,
ādīnavā                                                                               these six evil consequences
Vikālavisikhacariyānuyoge(b)                                              in sauntering in streets at unseemly hours:
Attāpissa i.                                                                       i"he himself is unprotected
Agutto arakkhito hoti.                                                                and unguarded,
Puttadāropissa                                                              ii. his wife and children are unprotected and
Agutto arakkhito hoti                                                  unguarded,
Sāpateyyaṃpissa                                                        iii. his property is unprotected
Aguttaṃ arakkhitaṃ hoti.                                        and unguarded,
Saṅkiyo ca hoti                                                                              iv. he is suspected
Tesu tesu ṭhānesu                                                       of evil deeds,[
Abhūtavacanañca                                                        v. he is subject
Tasmiṃ rūhati                                                                                to false rumours,
Bahūnañca dukkhadhammanaṃ                          vi. he meets
Purakkhito hoti                                                                              with many troubles.
Ime kho gahapatiputta                                               (c) "There are, young householder,
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     these six evil consequences
vikālavisikhācariyānuyoge                                     in frequenting theatrical shows:                    
Cha khome gahapatiputta                              There are, young householder, these six evil
Adīnavā                                                                              consequences
Samajjābhicaraṇe                                                        in frequenting theatrical shows:
Kava naccaṃ                                                                  i. "where is there dancing?
Kava gītaṃ                                                                       ii. where is there singing?
Kava vāditaṃ                                                                  iii. where is there music?
Kava akkhataṃ                                                                              iv. where is there recitation?
Kava pāṇissaraṃ                                                          v. where is there playing with cymbals?
Kava kumbhathūnanti                                                                vi. where is there pot-blowing?

Ime kho gahapatiputta                                                               There are, young householder, these six evil
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     consequences
Samajjabhicaraṇe                                                        in frequenting theatrical shows:
Cha khome gahapatiputta(d)                                 "There are, young householder,
these six evil
Ādīnavā                                                                              consequences
Jūtappamādaṭṭhānānuyoge                           in indulging in gambling:
Jayaṃ veiaṃ pasavati                                                              i. "the winner begets hate,
Jino vittamanusocati                                                  ii. the loser grieves for lost wealth,
Sandiṭṭhikā dhanajāni                                                                iii. loss of wealth,
Sabhagatassa vacanaṃ rūhati                                             iv. his word is not relied upon
in a court of law,
Mittāmaccānaṃ paribhūto hoti                                             v. he is despised by his
friends and associates,
Āvāhavivahakanaṃ appatthito                                             vi. he is not sought after for
matrimony; for people
Hoti akkhadhutto purisapuggalo                                would say he is a gambler and
is not fit to look
Nālaṃ dārabharaṇāyati                                                             after a wife.

Ime kho gahapatiputta                                                           (e) "There are, young householder
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     consequences
Jūtappamādaṭṭhananuyoge.                                   in indulging in gambling:
Cha khome gahapatiputta(e)                                  "There are, young householder,
Ādīnavā                                                                              these six evil consequences:
Pāpamittānuyoge                                                         in associating with evil companions, namely
Ye dhuttā                                                                           any gambler,
Ye soṇḍā                                                                           any libertine,
Ye pipāsā                                                                          any drunkard,
Ye nekatikā                                                                      any swindler,
Ye vañcanikā                                                                  any cheat,
Tayāssa mittā honti                                                    any rowdy is his friend
Te sahāyā                                                                         and companion.

Ime kho gahapatiputta                                                               There are, young householder,
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     these six evil consequences:
Pāpamittānuyoge.                                                        in associating with evil companions

Cha khome gahapatiputta                                        (f) "There are, young householder, these six evil Ādīnavā                                                                   consequences in being
Ālassānuyoge                                                                 addicted to idleness:
Asītitanti kammaṃ na karoti                                  "He does no work, saying: i.
"that it is extremely cold,
Ati-uṇhanti kammaṃ na karoti                                              ii. that it is extremely hot,
Atisāyanti kammaṃ na karoti                                               iii. that it is too late in the evening,
Atipāpoti kammaṃ na karoti                                  iv. that it is too early in the morning,
Aticchātossamīti kammaṃ na karoti                            v. that he is extremely hungry,
atipāsitossamīti kammaṃ na karoti                  vi that he is  extremely thirsty
Tassa evaṃ kiccāpadesabahusassa                                 "Living in this way,
Viharato                                                                             he leaves many duties undone,
Anuppanna ceva bhogā Nuppajjanti                  new wealth he does not get,
Uppannā ca bhogā parikkhayaṃ                          and wealth he has acquired
Gacchanti                                                                         dwindles away."

Ime kho gahapatiputta                                                               There are, young householder, these six evil
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     consequences in being
Ālassānuyogeti.                                                            addicted to idleness:
Idamavoca bhagavā                                                    Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vattavāna sugato                                                             And when the Master
Athaparaṃ etadavoca satthā                                                had thus spoken, he spoke yet again:

Hoti pānasakhā nāma                                                                "One is a bottle friend;
Hoti sammiyasammiyo                                                              one says, 'friend, friend' only to one's face;

Yo ca atthesu jātesu                                                  one is a friend and an associate
Sahāyo hoti so sakhā                                                                only when it is advantageous
Ussūrageyyā paradarasevanā                                              "Sleeping till sunrise, adultery,

Verappasaṅgo ca anatthatā ca                                             irascibility, malevolence,
Pāpā ca mittā sukadariyatā ca                                             evil companions, avarice
Ete cha  ṭhānā purisaṅ dhaṅsayanti.                                 -- these six causes ruin a man.
Pāpamitto pāpasakho                                                                "The man who has evil comrades
Pāpaācaragocaro                                                         and friends is given to evil ways,
Assamā lokā paramhā ca                                        to ruin does he fall in both worlds
Ubhayā dhaṅsate naro.                                                             -- here and the next.
Akkhitthiyo vāruṇī naccagītaṃ                                             "Dice, women, liquor, dancing, singing,
Divā soppaṃ pāricariya akāle                                           sleeping by day, sauntering
at unseemly hours,
Pāpā ca mittā sukadariyatā ca                                             evil companions, avarice
Ete cha ṭhānā purilaṅ dhaṅsayanti.                   -- these nine  causes ruin a man.
Akkhehi dibbanti suraṃ pivanti                                            "Who plays with dice and drinks intoxicants,
Yantitthiyo pāṇsamā paresaṅ                                               goes to women who are dear unto others
as their own lives, --
Nihīnasevī na ca vuḍḍhiseva                                                 associates with the mean and not with elders
Nisīyati kāḷpakkheva candimā.                                            he declines just as the moon
during the waning half.
Yo vāruni adhano akiñcano                                    Who is drunk, poor, destitute,
still thirsty whilst
Pipāsosi atthapāgato                                                                 drinking, frequents the bars,
Udakamiva iṇaṃ vigāhati                                        sinks in debt as a stone in water,.
Ākulaṃ kahati khippamattano.                                             swiftly brings disrepute to his family
Na divāsuppasīlena                                                     "Who by habit sleeps by day,
Rattinuṭṭhānadessinā                                                 and keeps late hours,
Niccaṃ mattena loṇḍena                                         is ever intoxicated, and is licentious,
Sakkā āvasituṃ gharaṃ.                                         is not fit to lead a household life.
Atisītaṃ atiunṇhaṃ                                                     "Who says it is too hot,

Atisāyamidaṃ ahu                                                       too cold, too late,
Iti vissaṭṭhakammante                                                              and leaves things undone,
Atthā accenti maṇave.                                                              the opportunities for good go past such men.

Yo ca sītañca uṇhañca                                                              But he who does not regard cold
Tiṇā bhiyyo na maññati                                                             or heat any more than a blade of grass
Karaṃ purisakiccāni                                                   and who does his duties manfully,
So sukhā na vihāyatīti.                                                             does not fall away from happiness."
Cattārome hagapatiputta                                         "These four, young householder,
Amittā mittapaṭirūpakā                                                             should be understood
Veditabbā                                                                         as foes in the guise of friends:
Aññadatthuharo amitto                                                              (1) "he who appropriates
Mittapatirūpako veditabbo                             a friend's possessions,
                                                                        should be understood as foes
in the guise of friends:

Vacīparamo amitto                                                      (2) he who renders lip-service,
Mittapairūpako veditabbo                                        should be understood as foes
in the guise of friends:
Anuppiyabhāṇī amitto                                                                (3) he who flatters,
Mittapaṭirūpako veditabbo                                      should be understood as foes
in the guise of friends:
Apāyasahāyo amitto                                                   (4) he who brings ruin.
Mittapaṭirūpako veditabbo.                                     should be understood as foes
in the guise of friends:
Catūhi kho gahapatiputta                                         (1) "In four ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi aññadatthuharo                                            should one
amitto mittapaṭirūpako                                                              who appropriates be understood
veditabbo                                                                          as a foe in the guise of a friend:
aññadatthuharo hoti                                                    i"he appropriates his friend's wealth,
appena  bahumicchati                                                                ii. he gives little and asks much,
bhayassa kiccaṃ karoti                                                         iii. he does his duty out of fear,
sevati atthakāraṇā                                                       iv. he associates for his own advantage.

imehi kho gahapatiputta                                                        (2) "In four ways, young householder,
catūhi ṭhānehi                                                                                 should one who
aññadatthuharo amitto                                                              renders lip-service be understood
mittapaṭirūpako veditabbo.                                     as a foe in the guise of a friend:

Catūhi kho gahapatiputta                                         In four ways, should one who                        
ṭhānehi vacīparamo amitto                                     renders lip-service be understood
mittapaṭirūpako veditabbo                                      as a foe in the guise of a friend:
atītene paṭisantharati                                                                i. "he makes friendly profession as regards
the past,              
anāgatene paṭisanthrati                                                            ii. he makes friendly profession as regards
the future,
niratthakena saṃgaṇhāti                                         iii. he tries to gain one's favour
by empty words,
paccuppannesu kiccesu                                           iv. when opportunity for service has arisen,
bapasanaṃ dasseti                                                     he expresses his inability.
imehi kho gahapatiputta                                                        In four ways, should one who
catūhi ṭhānehi vacīparamo                                      renders lip-service be understood
amitto mittapaṭirūpako                                                              as a foe in the guise
veditabbo.                                                       of a friend:

