วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

เวทนานุปัสสนาสติปัฏฐาน Vedanānupassana : The contemplation of the Feeling

เวทนานุปัสสนาสติปัฏฐาน Vedanānupassana : The contemplation of the Feeling

Kathañca pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu                            And, Monks, how does a monk                     
Vedanāsu vedanānupassī viharati?                             Dwells contemplating the feeling in the feeling?

Idah, bhikkhave, bhikkhu                                                Here, monks,
1 Sukhaṃ vā vedanaṃ vediyamāno                            1 when experiencing a pleasant feeling,
Sukkhaṃ vedanaṃ                                                           the monk knows, ‘ I experience a pleasant
vediyāmī ‘ ti pajānāti.                                                        Feeling’;
2 Dukkhaṃ vā vedanaṃ vediyamāno                          2 when experiencing a painful feeling,        
Dukkhaṃ vediyamī ‘ ti pajānati.                                     He knows, ‘ I experience a painful feeling’;
3 Adukkhamasukhaṃ vā                                                 3 when experience
vedanaṃ Vediyamāno                                                     a neutral feeling,
Adukkhamasukhaṃ vedanaṃ                                       he knows
Vediyāmī ‘ ti pajānati.                                                       ‘I experience a neutral feeling’.
4 Sāmisaṃ vā sukkhaṃ                                  4 When experiencing
vedanaṃ vediyamāno                                                      a pleasant worldly feeling,
Sāmisaṃ sukkhaṃ vedanaṃ                                        he knows,’ I experience
Vediyamī ‘ ti pajānāti.                                                       A pleasant worldly feeling’;
5 Nirāmisaṃ vā sukkhaṃ                                                5 when experiencing a pleasant unworldly
vedanaṃ vediyamāno                                                      feeling,
Nirāmisaṃ sukkhaṃ vedanaṃ                                      he knows,
Vediyāmī ‘ ti pajanāti.                                                       ‘I experience a peasant unworldly feeling’.
6  Sāmisaṃ vā dukkhaṃ                                 6 when experiencing a painful worldly
Vedanaṃ vediyamāno                                                     feeling,
Samisaṃ dukkhaṃ vedanaṃ                                        he knows,
Vediyāmī ‘ ti pajānati.                                                       ‘I experience a painful worldly feeling’;
7 Nirāmisaṃ vā dukkhaṃ                                                when experiencing a painful unworldly
Vedanaṃ vediyamano                                                     feeling,
Nirāmisaṃ dukkhaṃ vedanaṃ                                      he knows,
Vediyāmī ‘ ti pajānāti.                                                       ‘I experience a painful unworldly feeling’.
8 Sāmisaṃ vā adukkhamasukkhaṃ                            8 when experieicing a neutral worldly
Vedanaṃ vediyamāno                                                     feeling,
Samisaṃ adukkhamasukkhaṃ                                     he knows,
Vedanaṃ vediyāmī ‘ ti pajānāti.                                     ‘ I experience a neutral worldly feeling.
9 Nirāmisaṃ vā adukkhamasukkhaṃ                         9 when experiencing a neutral unworldly
Vedanaṃ vediyamāno                                                     feeling,
Nirāmisaṃ adukkhamasukkhaṃ vedanaṃ                he knows,
Vediyāmī ‘ ti pajānati.                                                       ‘I experience a neutral unworldly feeling.’

Iti ajjhattaṃ vā vedanasu                                                Thus he dwells contemplating the feeling
Vedananupassī viharati,                                                  in the feelings internally,
Bahiddha vā vedanāsu                                                     or he dwells contemplating the feeling in
vedanānupassī viharati,                                                   the feeling externally,
ajjhattabahiddhā vā vedanāsu                                       or he dwells contemplating the feeling in the
vedanānupassī viharati.                                                   Feeling both internally and externally.

Samudayadhammānupassī vā                                      He dwells contemplating the origination
Vedanāsu viharati,                                                            factors in the feeling,
Vayadhammānupassī vā                                                 or he dwells contemplating the dissolution
Vedanāsu viharati,                                                            factors of the feeling,
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                             or he dwells contemplating both the
Vedanāsu viharati.                                                            origination And dissolution in the feelings.
Atthi vedanā ‘ ti vā  panassa                                           Or his mindfulness is established as ‘ There
Sati paccupaṭṭhitā hoti,                                                    is feeling only,’
Yāvadeva ñāṇamattāya                                                   to the extent necessary for knowledge and
Paṭissatimattāya,                                                              mindfulness.
Anissito ca viharati.                                                          He dwells completely independent ( not
depending on craving and wrong view|),
Na ca kiñci loke upādiyati.                                              Clinging to nothing in the world.
Evampi kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu                                  Monks, thus indeed, a monk dwells
Vedanāsu vedanānupassī viharati.                              Contemplating the feeling in the feelings.

จบเวทนานุปัสสนา Vedananupassanā niṭṭhitā. : vedanānupassanā ended.

จิตตานุปัสสนา :  Cittānupassanā  :   The Contemplation of the Mind.

Kathañca pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu                            And Monks,
Citte cittāupassī viharati?                                                Does monk dwell contemplating
the mind in the mind?
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu                                                Here, Monks,
1 Sarāgaṅ vā cittaṃ                                                          1 a monk knows the mind with lust,
Sarāgaṃ cittan ‘ ti pajānāti;                                            as  mind with lust.
2 vītarāgaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                       2 The mind  without lust, 
Vītaragaṃ cittan ‘ ti pajānāti.                                          As mind without lust.
3 Sadosaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                        3 The mind with hate,
Sadosaṃ cittan ‘ ti pajānāti.                                           As mind with hate.
4 vītadosaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                      4 the mind without hate,
Vītadosaṃ cittan ‘ ti pajānāti.                                         As mind without hate.
5 samohaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                       5 The mind with delusion,
Samohaṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                           As mind with delusion.
6 vītamohaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                     6 The mind without delusion,
Vītamohaṃ cittan ‘ ti pajānāti.                                        As mind without delusion.
7 Saṅkhittaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                    7 the constricted ( state of) mind,
Saṅkhittaṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                         As constricted mind;
8 vikkhittaṃ vā  cittaṃ                                                     the scattered ( state of) mind,
Vikkhittaṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                          As scattered mond.
9 mahaggataṃ vā cittaṃ                                                 9 The superconscious(lit.become great) mind,
Mahaggataṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                      As superconscious mind;
10 amahaggataṃ vā cittaṃ                                            10 the not superconcious mind,
Amahaggataṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                   As not superconcious mind.
11 Sa-uttaraṃ vā cittaṃ                                                  11 the surpassable mind,
Sa-uttaraṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                         As surpassable mind,
12 anuttaraṃ vā cittaṃ                                                    12 the unsurpassable mind,
Anuttaraṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                           As unsurepassable mind.
13 Samāhitaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                  13 the concentrated mind,
Samahitaṃ cittan’ ti pajanati.                                         As concentrated mind;
14 asamāhitaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                14 the not concentrated mind,
Asamāhitaṃ cittan’ti pajanāti.                                       As not concentrated mind;
15 Vimuttaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                     15 the freed mind,
Vimuttaṃ cittan’ ti pajānāti.                                            As the freed ind;
16 avimuttaṃ vā cittaṃ                                                   16 the unfreed mind,
Avimutaṃ cittan’ ti pajanāti.                                           As unfreed mind;

Iti ajjhattaṃ vā citte                                                           Thus he dwells contemplating the mind
Cittānupassī viharati,                                                        in the mind internally,
Bahiddhā vā                                                                        or he dwells contemplating the mind in the
Cite cittānupassī viharati.                                                Mind externally,
Ajjhattabahiddhā vā                                                          or he dwells contemplating the mind in the
Cite cittānupassī viharati.                                                Mind both internally and externally.

Samudayadhammānupassī vā                                      He dwells contemplating the origination
Cittasmiṃ viharati.                                                            Factors in the mind,
Vayadhammanupassī vā                                 or he dwells contemplating the dissolution
Cittasmiṃ viharati,                                                            factors in the mind,
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                             or he dwells contemplating both the
Cittasmiṃ viharati.                                                            Origination and dissolution factors in the mind.

Atthi cittan ‘ ti vā panassa                                               Or his mindfulness is established as’ There Sati paccupaṭṭhitā hoti,                                                 is the mind only’
Yavadevañāṇamattāya                                                    to the extent necessary for knowledge and
paṭissatimattāya                                                               mindfulness.
Anissito ca viharati,                                                          He dwells completely( not depending on craving And wrong view),
Na ca kiñci loke upādiyati.                                              Clinging to nothing in the world.
Evampi kho, bhikkave, bhikkhu                                    Monks, thus indeed, a monk dwells
Cite cittānupassī viharati.                                                Contemplating the mind in the mind.

 จบ จิตตานุปัสสนา   :  Cittanupassana niṭṭhita : the contemplation of mind ended.

