สิงคาลสูตร ทีฆนิกาย ปาฏิกวรรค siṅgāla sutta ตรวจสอบใหม่ท้งหมด
Evamme sutaṃ Thus
have I heard:
Ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā On
one occasion the Exalted One was dwellRājagahe viharati veruvane the Bamboo
Grove, the Squirrels' Sanctuary,
Tena kho pana samaye
at that time,
Siṅgalako gahapatiputto
Sigala, a householder's son,
Kalasseva vuṭṭhāya
rising early in the morning,
Rājagahā nikkhamittavā
from Rajagaha,
Allavattho allakeso with
wet clothes and wet hair,
Pañjaliko puthuddisā namassati.
worshipped with
joined hands
the various quarters
Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhiṇaṇ disaṃ --
the East, the South,
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ
the West, the North,.
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disaṃ the Nadir, and the Zenith
Atha kho bhagavatā pubbanhasamayaṃ Then the Exalted One, having robed
himself in theNivāsettavā pattacivaramādāya forenoon took bowl and
robe, and entered
Rājagahaṃ piṇḍāya pāvisi. Rajagaha for
Kalasseva vuṭṭhāya rising
early in the morning,
Rājagahā nikkhamittava departing
from Rajagaha,
Allavatthaṃ allakesaṃ with
wet clothes and wet hair,
Namassantaṃ pañjalikaṃ puthuddisā worshipped with
joined hands
the various
Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhiṇaṃ disaṃ -- the East, the South,
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ the West, the North,
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disaṃ the Nadir, and the Zenith.
Dissavana siṅgālakaṃ
gahapatiputtaṃ having seen young
Sigala worshipping thus
and spoke to him as follows:
kinnu tavaṃ
do you,
Gahapatiputta kālasseva vuṭṭhaya young householder,rising early in the
Rājagahā nikkhamittavā morning,,
departing from Rajagaha,
Allavattho allakeso with wet clothes and wet hair,
Pañjaliko puthuddisā namassati worship,
with joined hands
these various
Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhiṇaṃ disaṃ -- the East, the
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ the West, the North,
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disanti. the Nadir, and
the Zenith?"
Pitā mama bhante "My
father, Lord, while dying, said to me:
Kālaṅ karonto evaṃ avaca The six
Disā tāta namasseyyasīti. dear son, you shall worship.
So kho ahaṃ bhante pitu vacanaṃ And I, Lord, respecting, revering,
Sakkaronto garukaronto reverencing
and honouring
Mānento pūjento my father's word,
Kālasseva vuṭṭhāya
rise early in the morning,
Rājagahā nikkhamittavā and
leaving Rajagaha,
Allavattho allakeso with
wet clothes and wet hair,
Pañjaliko puthuddisā namassāmi worship with joined hands,
these six
Puratthimaṃ disaṃ dakkhinaṃ disaṃ -- the East, the
Pacchimaṃ disaṃ uttaraṃ disaṃ the West, the North,
Heṭṭhimaṃ disaṃ uparimaṃ disanti. the Nadir, and
the Zenith.
Na kho gahapatiputta "It is not thus, young householder,
Ariyassa vinaye evaṃ the
six quarters should be worshipped
Cha disā namassitabbāti. in the
discipline of the noble."
Yadhākathaṃ pana bhante "How
then, Lord, should the six quarters
Ariyassa vinaye
worshipped in
Cha disā namassitabbā.
discipline of the noble?
Sadhu me bhante bhagavā
It is
well, Lord, if the Exalted One
Tatha dhammaṃ desetu
teach the doctrine to me showing
Yathā ariyassa vinaye
the six quarters should be worshipped
Cha disā namassitabbāti.
the discipline of the noble."
Tenahi gahapatiputta "Well, young householder, listen and
Suṇāhi sādhukaṃ manasikaroti
well in mind;
Bhāsissāmīti. I
shall speak." -- "
Evaṃ bhanteti kho Very
good, Lord,"
Siṅgālako gahapatiputta responded
Bhagavato paccassosi. young
Bhagavā etadavoca And the Exalted One spoke as follows:
Yato kho gahapatiputta "Inasmuch,
young householder,
Ariyasāvakassa cattāro
as the noble disciple
Kammakilesā pahīna honti (1) has
eradicated the four vices in conduct,[1]
Catūhi ṭānehi (2) inasmuch as he commits
Pāpakāmmaṃ na karoti. no evil
action in four ways,
Cha ca bhogānaṃ
apayamukhāni (3) inasmuch as he pursues not the six
Na sevati. for
dissipating wealth,
So evaṃ cuddasapāpakāpagato he thus, avoiding these
fourteen evil things,
Chadisāpaṭicchādī hoti covers
the six quarters, and enters the path leading
Ubholokavijyāya paṭipanno hoti to
victory in both worlds: he is
favoured in this
Tassa ayañceva loko and
in the world beyond.
Āraddho hoti paro ca loko Upon the
dissolution of the
So sakāyassa bhedā paraṃ maraṇā body, after
Sugatiṃ saggaṃ lokaṃ upapajjati. he
is born in a happy heavenly realm.
Pahīṇā honti
that he has eradicated?
Pāṇātipāto kho
gahapatiputta The
destruction of life, householder,
Kammakileso is
a vice and
Adinnādānaṃ kammakileso so are stealing,
Kāmesu micchācāro kammakileso sexual misconduct,
Musavādo kammakileso and
Imassa cattāro kammakilesā These
are the four vices
Pahīṇā hontīti. that
he has eradicated."
Idamavoca bhagavā
spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vattavana sugato
when the Master had thus spoken,
Athāparaṃ etadavoca satthā
spoke yet again: