วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

นิโรธสัจจนิเทส : Nirodhasacce Niddeso.

นิโรธสัจจนิเทส   :  Nirodhasacce Niddeso.

Katamañca, bhikkhave,                                                   And, Monks, what is the Nobe Truth
Dukkhanirodho ariyasaccaṃ?                                       Of the cessation of Suffering?

Yo tassāyeva  taṇhāya                                                    It is the total extinction by removing,
Asesavirāganirodho cāgo paṭinissaggo                      formaking and discarding, of, freedom from
Mutti anālayo.                                                                     And non-attachment to that same craving

Sā kho panesa, bhikkhave,                                            And,Monks, where is this craving, when
Taṇhā kattha pahīyamānā pahīyati,                             being abdndoned, abandoned and when
Kattha nirujjamānā nirujjhati?                                         does this Craving, when ceasing, cease?

Yaṃ loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                  Whatever in the world is a delightful thing,
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati                             therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha  nirujjhamāna nirujjhati.                                         Is abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

Kiñca  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ?                              What in the world is a delightful thing, a
                                                                                                Pleasurable thing?
1 Cakkhuṃ loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                      Ear in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesa taṇhā pahīyamāna pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned and, when
                                                                                                Ceasing, ceases.
2  Sotaṃ  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                         Ear in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          When being abandoned, is abandoned,  
                                                                                                When ceasing, ceases.
3  Ghānaṃ  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                      Nose in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing, Ceases.
4  Jivhā  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                            Tongue in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing, therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing, Ceases.
5  Kāyo  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                            Body in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing,Ceases.
6  Mano  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                           Mind in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing,Ceases.
7 Rūpā  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                             Visual forms in the world is a delightful thing,  
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing,Ceases.
8  Saddā loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                           Sounds  in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing,Ceases.
9  Gandhā  loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                       Smells in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing,Ceases.
10  Rasā loke piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                           Tastes in the world is a delightful thing, a
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            pleasurable thing; therein this craving, when
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Being abandoned, is abandoned,
when ceasing,Ceases.
11  Phoṭṭhabbā  loke piyarūpaṃ                                    Tangible objects in the world are delightful
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          thing,a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          , is abandoned, when Ceasing, ceases.

12  Dhammā  loke piyarūpaṃ                                         Mental-objects in the world  are delightful
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          thing,a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned, when Ceasing, ceases.

13 Cakkhuviññāṇaṃ loke piyarūpaṃ                           Eys-consciousness in the world is a
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          abandoned,When ceasing, ceases.

14 Sotaviññāṇaṃ  loke piyarūpaṃ                                Ear-consciousness in the world is a delightful
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned,when Ceasing, ceases.

15  Ghānaviññāṇaṃ  loke piyarūpaṃ                           Nose-consciousness in the  world is a
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving,when  being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned, when Ceasing, ceases.

16  Jivhāviññāṇaṃ  loke piyarūpaṃ                             Tongue-consciousness in the world is a
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          delightful ting, a pleasurable ting;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Is abandoned, when ceasing, ceases.

17  Kayaviññāṇaṃ  loke piyarūpaṃ                              Body-consciousness in the world is a
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this  craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned, when ceasing, ceases.

18  Manoviññāṇaṃ  loke piyarūpaṃ                             Mind-consciuosness in the world is a
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving,  when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned, when ceasing, ceases.

19 Cakkhusamphasso  loke piyarūpaṃ                      Eye-contact in the world is a delightful thing,
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          a pleasurable thing; therein this craving,
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            when being abandoned, is abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          When ceasing, ceases.

20  Sotasamphasso  loke piyarūpaṃ                           Ear-contact in the world is a delightful thing,
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          a pleasurable thing; therein the craving,
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            when being abandoned, is abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          When ceasing, ceases.

21 Ghānasamphasso  loke piyarūpaṃ                        Nose-contact in the world is a delightful
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          thing,a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving,when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned,When ceasing, ceases.

22 Jivhāsamphasso  loke piyarūpaṃ                           Tongue-contact in the world is a delightful
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving,when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned, When ceasing, ceases.

23 Kāyasamphasso  loke piyarūpaṃ                           Body- contact in the world is a delightful
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          thing,a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving,when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned,When ceasing, ceases.

24  Mamosamphasso  loke piyarūpaṃ                        Mind-contact in the world is a delightful thing,
sātarūpaṃ,                                                                          a pleasurable thing; therein this craving,
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            when being abandoned, is abandoned and,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          When ceasing, ceases.

25 Cakkhusamphassajā loke                                         The Feeling born of eye-contact in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned And, when ceasing, ceases.

26  Sotasamphassajā loke                                              The Feeling born of ear-contact in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is abandoned And, when ceasing, ceases.

27  Ghanasamphassajā  loke                                         The feeling born of nose-contact in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, apleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and when ceasing, ceases.

28  Jivhāsamphassajā  loke                                           The feeling born of tongue-contact in the
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     world is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and , when ceasing, ceases.

29  Kāyasamphassaja  loke                                            The feeling born of body contact in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and , when ceasing, ceases.

30 Manosamphassajā  loke                                            The feeling born of mind contact in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

31 Rūpasaññā  loke                                                           The perception of visual forms in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Is abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

32  Saddasaññā  loke                                                       The perception  of sounds in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

33  Gandhasaññā  loke                                                     The perception of  smells in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

34 Rasasaññā loke                                                            The perception of tastes in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

35 Phoṭṭhabbasaññā  loke                                               The perception of touches in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

36  Dhammasaññā  loke                                  The perception of mental-objects in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this  craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and , when ceasing, ceases.

37  Rūpasañcetanā  loke                                                 The volition concerning visual forms in the
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     world is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

38   Saddasañcetanā loke                                               The volition concerning sounds in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

39  Gandhasañcetanā  loke                                            the volition concerning smells in he world is
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being, abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

40 Rasasañcetana  loke                                  The vilotion concerning tastes in the world is
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

41 Phoṭṭhabbasañcetanā  loke                                      The volition concerning touches in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

42 Dhammasañcetanā  loke                                           The volition concerning mental-objects in the
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     world is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving,  when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

43  Rūpataṇhā loke                                                            The craving for visual forms in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

44  Saddataṇhā  loke                                                        the craving for sounds in the world is a 
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

45  Gandhataṇhā  loke                                                      The craving for smells in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and , when ceasing, ceases.

46  Rasataṇhā  loke                                                           The craving for tastes in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing, therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

47  Phoṭṭhabbataṇhā  loke                                               The craving for  touches in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesa taṇhā pahīyamāna pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamāna nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

48  Dhammataṇhā loke                                                    The craving, for mental-objects in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and , when ceasing, ceases.

49 Rūpavitakko  loke                                                        The  thought for visual forms in the world is
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

50  Saddavitakko loke                                                      The thought for sounds  in the world is a 
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing, therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamāna nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

51  Gandhavitakko  loke                                  The thought for smells in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

52  Rasavitakko  loke                                                       The thought for tastes in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing, therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving,  when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

53  Phoṭṭhabbavitakko loke                                            The thought for touches in the world is a
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

54 Dhammavitakko  loke                                                 the thought for mental-objects in the world is
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing; therein
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            this craving, when being abandoned, is
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          Abandoned and , when ceasing, ceases.

55  Rūpavicāro  loke                                                          the discursive thought for visual forms in the
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     worl is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

56 Saddavicāro  loke                                                        The discursive thought for  smells in the
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     world is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

57 Gandhavicāro  loke                                                      the discursive thought for smells in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

58  Rasavicāro  loke                                                          the discursive thought for tastes in the world
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

59  Phoṭṭhabbavicāro  loke                                              The discursive thought for touches in the
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     world is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing;
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandoned and, when ceasing, ceases.

60 Dhammavicāro  loke                                                   the discursive thought for mental-objects in
piyarūpaṃ sātarūpaṃ,                                                     the world is a delightful thing, a pleasurable thing.
Etthesā taṇhā pahīyamānā pahīyati,                            therein this craving, when being abandoned,
Ettha nirujjhamānā nirujjhati.                                          is Abandone and, when ceasing, ceases.

Idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave,                                                This,Monks, is the Noble Truth of the
Dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ.                                     Cessation of Suffering.

