วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร : Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Suttaṃ : The foundations of Mindfulness.

มหาสติปัฏฐานสูตร : Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Suttaṃ  :  The foundations of Mindfulness.
Evaṃ me sutaṃ.                                                           “Thus have I heard.
Ekaṃ samayaṃ Bhagavā,                                      Once the Blessed  One was staying among
Kurūsu viharati Kammāsadhammaṃ                                the Kurus at Kammāsadhamma, a market
Nāma Kurūnaṃ nigamo.                                           Town of the Kurus.
Tatra kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi-            There the Blessed One addressed the monks
“Bhikkhavo” ti.                                                                            Thus: ‘Monks’.
Bhadante “ tit e bhikkhū Bhagavato                 Saying’Venerable Sir’ these monks respectfully
Paccassosuṃ.                                                                               Replied to the Blessed One.
Bhagavā etadavoca.                                                   And the Blessed One spoke thus:

1.อุเทศ Uddeso.

“Ekāyano ayaṃ,                                                            “This is the Sole Path,
Bhikkhave,                                                                       Monks, for the purification of beings,
Maggo sattānaṃ visuddhiyā,                                                for the overcoming of sorrow and
Sokaparidevānaṃ  samatikkamāya,                 lamentation, for the disappearance of
Ñayassa adhigamāya,                                                               pain and grief, for reaching the Noble Path,
Nibbānassa sacchikiriyāya,                                   for the realization of Nibbana,
Yadidaṃ cattāro satipaṭṭhānā.                                             namely, the Four Foundation of Mindfulness.
Katame cattāro?                                                           What are the four?
Idha, Bhikkhave,                                                          “Monks, herein ( in this Teaching) a monk
Bhikkhu Kāye Kāyāupassī viharati,                   dwells contemplating the body in the body,
Ātāpī sampajāno satimā ,                                        ever ardent, clearly comprehending  and
Vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ.                  Mindful, removing covetousness and grief in
                                                                                                The world.
Citte cittānupassī viharati,                                     “He dwells contemplating the feeling in the
Atāpī sampajāno satimā,                                         feelings, ever ardent, clearly comprehending
Vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ.                  And mindful, removing covetousness
                                                                                                And grief in the wortld.
Dhammesu Dhammānupassī viharati ,                             “He dwells contemplating the mind in the
Ātāpī sampajano satimā vineyya loke                             mind, ever ardent, clearly comprehending
Abhijjā domanassaṃ.                                                                And mindful, removing covetousness and
                                                                                                Grief and the world.
Uddeso niṭṭhito.                                                                          Summary ended.

กายานุปัสสนา Kāyānupassanā :                                   The Contemplation of the Body.
1 อานาปานบรรพ Ānāpānapabbaṃ                   Mindfulness of breathing.

“Kathañca, Bhikkhave,                                                             And now, Monks, does a monk dwell
Bhikkhu Kāye kāyānupassī viharati?                               Contemplating the body in the body?
Idha, Bhikkhave,                                                          Monks here, a monk having gone to the
Bhikkhu araññagato vā rukkhamūlagato vā  forest, to the foot of a tree,
Suññāgāragato vā nisīdati,                                     or to a secluded place,
Pallaṅkaṃ ābhujitvā,                                                 sits down cross-legged,
Ujuṃ kāyaṃ paṇidhāya,                                           keeps his body erect, 
Parimukhaṃ satiṃ upaṭṭhapetvā.                       And focuses mindfulness towards the
So satova assasati,                                                    Mindfully he breathes in and mindfully
Satova passasati.                                                        He breathes out.
1 Dīghaṃ vā assasanto’                                                         Breathing in a long breath, he knows,
 Dīghaṃ assasāmī’ti pajanati,                                               ‘I breathe in long,’
2 Dīghaṃ vā passasanto                                          Breathing out a long breath, he knows,      
Dīghaṃ passasāmī ‘ ti pajānati;                                          ‘I breathe out long.’
3.Rassaṃ vā assasanto                                                       Breathing in a short breath, he knows,
Rassaṃ assasāmī ‘ ti pajanāti,                                            ‘I breathe in short.’
 4 Rassaṃ vā passasanto,                                      Breathing out a short breath, he knows,
Rassaṃ passasāmī ‘ ti pajānāti.                                         ‘ I breathe out short.
5. Sabbakāyapatisaṃvedī                                        Clearly aware of the entire in-breath-body,
Assasissāmī ‘ti  sikkhati.                                                     I shall breathe in,’ so he exerts (literally,
                                                                                                Trains himself);
6. Sabbakāyapatisaṃvedī                                       Clearly aware of the entire out-breath-body,
Passasissāmī ‘ ti  sikkhati;                                    I shall breathe out,’ so he exerts.
7. Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ                   Calming the gross in-breath (lit.bodily function
Assasissāmī ‘ti sikkhati.                                         Of out-breathing), I shall breathe out,’
 so he exerts
8. Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ                    Calming the gross in-breath (lit.bodily function
Passissāmī ‘ ti sikkhati.                                                          Of out-breathing),I shall breathe out,’
so he exerts.
9. Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkharaṃ                    Calming the gross out-breath(lit.bodily function
Passasissamī ‘ti sikkhati.                                      Of out-breathing), I shall breathe out,’
so he exerts.
Seyyathāpi, Bhikkhave,                                                        Monks, as a skilful turner
Dakkho bhamakāro vā                                                               or his apprentice,
bhamakārantevāsī vā                                                                 making a long turn,
dīghaṃ vā añchanto                                                    knows
Dighaṃ añchāmī ‘ ti pajānāti.                                               ‘I make a short turn’.

Evameva kho, bhikkhave,Bhikkhu                    Just so,
1 dīghaṃ vā assasanto                                                             Monks, breathing in long
Dīghaṃ assasāmī ‘ti pajānāti.                                              The  monks knows’ I breathe in long.

2 Dīghaṃ vā passasanto                                          or breathing out long, he knows’
Dīghaṃ passasāmī ‘ ti pajānāti.                                          I breathe out long;

3. Rassaṃ vā assasanto                                          Breathing in short, he knows,
Rassaṃ assasissāmī ‘ ti pajanati.                     ‘ I breathe in short,’

4. Rassaṃ vā passasanto                                        or breathing out short, he knows
Rassaṃ passasāmī ‘ti sikkhati.                                          ‘ I breathe out short’.

5. Sabbakāyapatisaṃvedī                                       Clearly aware of the entire in-breath-body,
assasissamī ‘ ti sikkhati.                                                      I shall breathe in,’ so he exerts.

6. Sabbakāyapatisaṃvedī                                        Clearly aware of the entire out-breath-body,
passasissamī ‘ ti sikkhati.                                      I shall breathe out,’ so he exerts.

7. passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ                   Calming the gross in-breathe,
Assasisāmī ‘ti sikkhati.                                                            I shall breath in,’ so he exerts.

8. Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ                    Calming the gross out-breathe,
Passasissāmī ‘ ti sikkhati.                                     I shall breath out,’ so he exerts.

Iti ajjhattaṃ vā kāye kāyānupassī                     Thus he dwells contemplating the body in
Viharati,                                                                             the body internally,
Bahiddhā vā kāye kāyānupassī                           or he dwells contemplating the body in the
Viharati.                                                                             body Externally,
Ajjhattabahiddha vā kāyekāyanupassī            or he dwells contemplating the body in the
Viharati.                                                                             body Both internally and externally.
Samudayadhammānupassī vā                              He dwells contemplating the origination
Kayasmiṃ viharati.                                                     factors In the breath-body,
Vayadhammānupassī vā                                           or he dwells contemplating the dissolution
Kāyassamiṃ viharati.                                                                Factors in the breath-body.
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                   or he dwells contemplating both the
Kayasmiṃ viharati.                                                     origination And dissolution factors in the breath-body.
Atthi kāyo ti vā panassa sati                                 Or his mindfulness is established as
Paccupatthitā hoti.                                                      ‘There is the breath-body only to the extent
                                                                                                Necessary for knowledge and mindfulness.
Yavadeva ñānamattāya paṭissatimattaya.    He dwells completely independent ( not
Anissito ca viharati.                                                   Depending on craving and wrong view),
Na ca kiñci loke upadiyati.                                     Clinging to nothing in the world.
Evampi kho, Bhikkhave,                                                          Monks, thus indeed,
Bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī viharati.                 A monk dwells contemplating
the  body in the body.

 Ānapānapbbaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ                                        Mindfulness of breathing ended.

