วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

สติปัฏฐานปาฐะ satipaṭṭhanapāṭha

พระสูตรทั่วๆ ไป

Handa mayaṃ satipaṭṭhānapathaṃ bhaṇāma se.

Atthi kho tene bhagavatā jānatā passatā                 This was said by the Blessed One,             
arahatā sammā sambuddhena.                                 the One who Knows, the One who Sees,
the Worthy One Rightly Self-awakened:
Ekāyano ayaṃ maggo sammadakkhāto,                        This is the only way
Sattānaṃ visuddhiyā,                                                                for the purification of beings,
Sokaparidevānaṃ samatikkamāya,                  for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation.
Dukkhadomanassānaṃ atthaṅgamāya,                          for the destruction of suffering and grief.
Ñāyassa adhigamāya,                                                               for reaching the right path,
Nibbabassa sacchikiriyāya,                                   for the attainment of Nibbāna,
Yadidaṃ cuttāro satipaṭṭhānā,                                          namely , the Four Arousings of Mindfulness.
Katame cuttāro?                                                           What are the four?
Idha bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī viharati.       1 Here a monk lives observing the body as the body.
Ātāpī sampajāno satimā vineyya                                        Arden, clearly contemprehending, having put
Loke abhijjhadomanassaṃ.                                    Away desire and aversion for the world.
Vedanāsu vedanānupassī viharati,                    2He lives comtemplating feeling as feeling.
Ātāpī sampajāno satimā vineyya                                      Ardent, clealy comprehending, mindful,
Loke abhijjhadomanassaṃ.                                    Having put away desire and aversion of the world.
Citte cittānupassī viharati,                                     3 He lives comtemplating consciousness as consciuosness.            
Ātāpī sampajjhāno satimā vineyya                    Ardent, clealy comprehending, mindful,
Loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ.                                    Having put away desire and aversion for the world.
Dhammesu dhammānupassī viharati,                              4 He lives contemplatin mental objects as
Ātāpī sampajano satimā vineyya                        mental objects,ardent,clealy comprehending,
Loke abhijjhadomanassaṃ.                                    Mindful, having put away desire and aversion for the world.
Kathañca bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī viharati,           How, O monks does one abide observing
Idha bhikkhu ajjhattaṃvā kāye kāyānupassī               the body in the body? (staying with what is,
Viharati.                                                                             Viewing things as they are) Here a monk lives contempating the body in the body
Bahiddhā vā kāye kāyānupassī viharati.        Or he lives contemplating the body  in the body externally.
Ajjhattabbahiddhā vā kāye                                     or he lives comtemplating  the body in the
kāyānupassī viharati.                                                body internally and externally.
Samudayadhammānupassī vā                              He lives contemplating origination-things in
Kāyasmiṃ viharati.                                                     the body.
Vayadhammānupassī vā kāyasmiṃ viharati.               Or he lives contemplatin dissolution-things in the body.
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā               or he lives contemplating origination-and-
Kāyasmiṃ viharati.                                                     dissolution-things in the body.
Atthi kāyoti vā panassa sati paccupaṭṭhitā  He has clear mindfulness of the existence of
Hoti.                                                                                     The  body only
Yāvadeva ñānamattāya patissatimattāya,    to the extent ceccessary just for knowledge and mindfulness.
Anissito ca viharati na ca kiñci                            and he lives independent and clings to
Loke upādiyati.                                                              naught in this world.
Evaṃ kho bhikkhu kāye  kāyanupassī             This is how the monk lives contemplating the
Viharati.                                                                             body as the body.
Kathañca bhikkhu vedanāsu vedanānupassī               How, O monks does one abide observing
Viharati.                                                                             feeling as feeling?( staying with what is, viewing things as they are)
Idha bhikkhu ajjhattaṃ vā vedanāsu                Here a monk lives contemplating feelings in
Vedanānupassī viharati.                                          feelings internally.
Bahiddhā vā vedanāsu vedanānupassī           or he lives contemplating feelings in feeling
Viharati.                                                                             externally.
Ajjhattabahiddhā vā vedanāsu                             or he lives contemplating feelings in feelings
Vedanānupassī viharati.                                          internally and externally.
Samudayadhammānupassī vā                              He lives contemplating origination-things in
Vedanāsu viharati.                                                      feelings.
Vayadhammānupassī vā dhammesu viharati.             Or he lives contemplating dissolution-things in feelings.
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                   or he lives contemplating origination-and-
Vedanāsu viharati.                                                      dissolution-things in feelings.
Atthi vedanāti vā panassa sati                                             He has clear mindfulness of the existence of
Paccupatthitā hoti.                                                      the feelings only
Yavadeva ñānamattāya patissati mattāya,   to the extent necessary just for knowledge and mindfulness
Anissito ca viharati na ca kiñci loke upādiyati.          And he lives independent and clings to naught in this world.
Evam kho bhikkhu vedanāsu                                 This is how the monk lives contemplating
Vedanānupassī viharati.                                          feelings as feelings.
Kathañca bhikkhu citte cittānupassī                How,O does one abide observing
Viharati.                                                                             consciousness as consciousness?
                                                                                                (staying with what is, viewing things as they are)
Idha bhikkhu ajjhattaṃ vā citte                            Here a monk lives contemplating
Cittānupassī viharati.                                                consciousness in consciousness internally.
Bahiddhā vā citte cittānupassī viharati.         Or he lives contemplating consciousness in consciousness externally.
Ajjhattabbahiddhā vā citte cittanupassī         oe he lives contemplating consciousness in
Viharati.                                                                             consciousness internally and externally.
Samudayadhammānupassī vā                              He lives contemplating origination-things in
Cittasmiṃ viharati.                                                      consciousness.
Vayadhammanupassī vā cittasmiṃ viharati.               Or he lives contemplatin dissolution-things in consciousness.
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                   or he lives contemplating origination-and-
Cittasmiṃ viharati.                                                      dissolution-things in consciousness.
Atthi cittanti vā panassa sati paccupaṭṭhitā hoti       He has clear mindfulness of the existence of consciousness only.
Yāvadeva ñāṇamattāya patissatimattāya,    to the extent ceccessary just for knowledge and mindfulness
Anissito ca viharati na ca kiñci loke upādiyati.          And he lives independent and clings to naught in this world.
Evaṃ kho bhikkhu citte cittanupassī viharati.            This is how the monk lives contemplating consciousness as consciousness.
Kathañca bhikkhu dhammesu                               How O monk does one abide observing
dhammānupassī viharati.                                        mental-objects?
Idha bhikkhu ajjhattaṃ vā dhammesu          Here a monk lives contemplating mental-
Dhammānupassī viharati.                                        objects in mental-objects, internally.
Bahiddhā vā dhammesu                                           or he lives in contemplating mental-objects,
dhammānupassī viharati.                                        externally.
Ajjhattabahiddhā vā dhammesu                                           or he lives in contemplatin mental-
Dhammānupassī viharati.                                        objects, internally and externally.
Samudayadhammānupassī vā                                              He lives contemplating origination-
Dhammesu viharati.                                                    things in mental-objects.
Vayadhammānupassī vā                                          or he lives contemplating dissolution-
dhammesu viharati.                                                    things in mental-objects.
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                   or he lives contemplating origination-
Dhammesu viharati.                                                    and-dissolution-things in mental-objects.
Atthi dhammāti vā panassa sati                                        He has clear mindfulness of the existence of
Paccupaṭṭhita hoti                                                       mental objects only
Yāvadeva ñānamattāya patissatimattāya.    To the extent necessary just for knowledge and mindfulness.
Anissito ca viharati na ca kiñci loke upādiyati.          And he lives independent and cling to naught in this world.
Evam kho bhikkhave dhammesu                         This is how the monk lives contemplating
dhammānupassī viharati.                                        mental objects in mental objects.

Ayaṃ kho tena bhagavatā jānatā
Arahata samma sambuddhena.

Ekāyano maggo sammadakkhāto                       this is the only way
Sattanaṃ visuddhiya                                                 for the purification of beings,
Sokaparidevanaṃ samatikkamāya                    for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation
Dukkhadomanassānaṃ atthaṃgamāya                           for the destruction of suffering and grief.
Ñāñassa adhigamāya                                                 for reaching the right path,
Nibbābassa sacchikiriyāya                                    for the attainment of Nibbāna,
Yadidaṃ cattāro satipaṭṭhānati.                                          Namely: the Four Avrousing of Mindfulness.

Ekāyanaṃ jātikhayantadassī
Maggaṃ pajanāti hitānukampī
Etena maggena tariṃsu pubbe
Tarissare ceva taranti coghanti.


