วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

2. อิริปถบรรพะ : Iriyapathapabbaṃ Postures of the Body.

2. อิริปถบรรพะ  : Iriyapathapabbaṃ                Postures of the Body.

Puna ca paraṃ,                                                                             And again,
Bhikkhave, bhikkhu                                                    Monks,
Gacchanto va ‘ Gacchāmī ‘ti pajānāti,                             when going, a monk, a monk knows, “ I am
Thito vā thitomhī ‘ ti pajānāti,                                               going,; when standing, he knows,’ I am
Nisinno vā nisinnomhī ‘ti pajānati,                     standing.when sitting, he knows,’ I am sitting;
Sayāno vā sayānomhī ‘ti pajāmāti,                    when lying down, he knows, “ I am lying down;
Yathā yathā vā pasassa kāyo                                               or he knows just as
Paṇihito hoti Tathā tathā naṃ pajānāti.                          his body is disposed.

Iti ajjhattaṃ vā                                                                           Thus he dwells contemplating the body
kāyanupassī viharati.                                                               In the body internally,
Bahiddhā vā                                                                     or he dwells contemplating the body in the
kāye kāyānupassī viharati.                                   Body externally.
Ajjhattabahiddhā vā                                                    or he dwells contemplating the body in the
Kāyekāyānupassī viharati.                                     Body both internally and externally.

Samudayadhammanupassī vā                              He dwells contemplating the origination
Kāyasmiṃ viharati.                                                     factorsIn the body,
Vayadhammānupassī vā                                          or he dwells contemplating the dissolution
Kāyasmiṃ viharati.                                                     factors in the body.
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                   or he dwells contemplating the origination
Kayasmiṃ viharati.                                                     and Dissolution factors in the body.

Atthi kāyo ti vā pasassa                                                          Or his mindfulness is established as ‘there is
Sati paccupaṭṭhitā hoti,                                                            the body only’ to the extent necessary for
Yāvadeva  ñāṇamattāya                                                       knowledge
patissatimattāya,                                                         and mindfulness
Anissito ca viharati.                                                   He dwells completely independent ( not
Na ca kiñci loke upadiyati.                                     Depending on craving and wrong view),
                                                                                                Clinging to nothing in the world.

Evampi kho, Bhikkhave, bhikkhu                                       Monks, thus indeed, a monk dwells
 kāye kāyānjupassī viharati.                                  Contemplating the body in the body.

Iriyāpathapabbaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ                                   Postures of the body ended.
3. สัมปชัญญะบรรพะ  : Sampajaññapabbaṃ : Mindfulness with clear comprehension.

Puna ca paraṃ,                                                                          And again,
Bhikkhave,                                                                       Monks,
Bhikkhu abhikkante paṭikkante                                            in going forward and in going back,
Sampajānakārī hoti,                                                    a monk applies clear comprehension;
Ālokite vilokite sampajānakārī hoti,                  in looking straight ahead and looking away
From the front, he applies clear comprehension;
Samiñjite pasārite                                                        in bending and in stretching( his limbs)
sampajānakārī hoti,                                                    he applies clear comprehension;
Saṅghāṭi patta cīvara dhārane                                              in wearing the inner and outer robes and in
Sampajānakārī hoti,                                                    carrying the alms bowl, he applies clear
Asite pīte khāyite sāyite                                                        in eating, drinking, chewing and savoring,
Sampajānakārī hoti,                                                    he applies clear comprehension;
Uccārapassāva kamme                                                            in answering the calls of nature,
sampajānakārī hoti,                                                    he applies clear comprehension;
gate ṭhite nisinne sutte                                                             in walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep,
jāgarite bhāsite tuṇhībhāve                                    waking, speaking and in keeping silent,
sampajānakārī hoti.                                                     He applies clear comprehension.

Iti ajjhattaṃ vā kāye                                                   Thus he dwells contemplating the body in
Kāyānupassī viharati.                                                                The body internally,
Bhiddhā vā kāye                                                           or he dwells contemplating the body in the
Kāyānupassī viharati,                                                                body externally,
Ajjhattabahiddhā vā                                                    or he dwells contemplating the body in the
Kāyekāyānupassī viharati,                                     body both internally and externally.

Samudayadhammānupassī va                                              He dwells comtemplating the origination
Kāyasmiṃ viharati,                                                     factors in the body,
Vayadhammānupassī vā                                          or he dwells contemplating the dissolution
Kāyasmiṃ viharati,                                                     factors in the body,
Samudayavayadhammānujpassī vā                  or he dwells contemplating both origination
Kāyasmiṃ viharati.                                                     and dissolution factors in the body.

Atthi kāyo ‘ ti vā panassa                                        Or his mindfulness is established as
Sati paccupaṭṭhitā hoti,                                                            ‘There is the body only,’  
yāvadeva ñaṇamattāya                                                             to the extent necessary for knowledge
Paṭissatimattāya.                                                        And mindfulness,
Anissito ca viharati.                                                   He dwells completely independent (not
Na ca kiñci loke upadiyati,                                     depending on craving and wrong view)
                                                                                                Clinging to nothing in the world.
Evampi kho, Bhikkhave,                                                        Monks, thus indeed, a monk dwells
Bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī viharati.                 Contemplating the body in the body.

สัมปชัญญบรรพ จบ Sampajaññapabbaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ

ปฏิกูลบรรพ  Patikūlamanasikarapabbaṃ :  Reflection on the Repulsiveness of the Body.

Puna ca paraṃ,                                                                          And again,
Bhikkhave Bhikkhu imameva                                                Monks, a monk reflects upon this very body,
Kāyaṃ uddhaṃ padatalā,                                        upward from the soles of his feet,
Adho kesamatthakā,                                                  downward from the tip of his hair,
Tacapariyantaṃ,                                                           enclosed by the skin
Pūraṃ nānappakārassa asucino                                         and full of diverse
Paccavekkhati,                                                                             impurities, 
Atthi imasmiṃ kāye,                                                   There are in this body,
Kesā lomā nakhā dantā                                                         hair of the head, hair of the body, nails teeth,
taco,maṃsaṃ nahāru aṭṭhi                                    skin; flesh, sinews, bones
aṭṭhimiñjaṃ vakkaṃ,                                                  marrow, kidneys,
hadayaṃ yakanaṃ                                                       heart, liver,
kilomakaṃ pihakaṃ papphāsaṃ,                        pleura, spleen, lungs;
amtaṃ antaguṇaṃ udariyaṃ karīsaṃ,                             intestines, mesentery, gorge, faeces,
matthake mattaluṅgaṃ                                                             brain,
pittaṃ semhaṃ pubbo                                                               bile, phlegm, pus,
lohitaṃ sedo medo,                                                     blood, sweat, fat;
assu vasā kheḷo siṅghaṇikā                                   tears, lymph, saliva, nasal mucus,
lasikā muttanti.                                                                             Oil of the joints, urine.’

Seyyathāpi, Bhikkhave,                                                           Monk,
Ubhato mukkha mūtoḷī pūrā                                    as if there were a double-mouthed
Nānāvihitassa dhaññassa,                                     provision bag filled with various kinds of grain,
Seyyathīdaṃ-sālīnaṃ vīhīnaṃ                                             such as, hill paddy, paddy,
Muggānaṃ māsāsaṃ                                                                 green gram, cowpea,
tilānaṃ taṇḍulānaṃ.                                                  Sesame and husked rice;
Tamenaṃ cakkhumā puriso                                   a man with sound eyes,
muñcitavā paccavekkheyya-                                         having opened it, should examine it thus,
Ime sālī ime vīhī                                                           This is hill paddy, this is paddy,
ime muggā                                                                        this is green gram
Ime māsā ime tilā                                                         This is cowpea, this is sesame,
ime taṇḍulā ‘ti.                                                                    this is husked rice
Evameva kho,                                                                                Just so,
Bhikkhave, bhikkhu                                                    monks, a monk reflects on
Imameva kāyaṃ                                                            this very body,
Uddhaṃ pādatalā,                                                        upward from the  sole of his feet,
Adho  kesamatthakā,                                                 downward from the tips of his hair,
Tacapariyantaṃ,                                                           enclosed by the skin
Pūraṃ nānappakārassa                                            and full of diverse impurities,
Asucino paccavakkhati –                                                          thus:
Atthi imasmiṃ kāye                                                    There are in this body,
Kesā lomā nakhā                                                          hair of the head, hair of the body, nails,
dantā taco,                                                                       teeth, skin;
Maṃsaṃ nahārū aṭṭhi                                                                flesh, sinews, bones,
aṭṭhimiñjaṃ vakkaṃ,                                                  marrow, kidneys,
hadayaṃ yakanaṃ kilomakaṃ                                             heart, liver, pleura,
pihakaṃ papphāsaṃ,                                                 spleen, lungs;
antaṃ antaguṇaṃ                                                         intestines, mesentery,
udariyaṃ karīdsaṃ,                                                     gorge, faeces,
matthakematthaluṅgaṃ pittaṃ                                             brain, bile,
 semhaṃ pubbo                                                                          phlegm,pus,
lohitaṃ sedo medo,                                                     blood, sweat, fat,
assu vasā kheḷo siṅghāṇikā                                   tears, lymph, saliva, nasal mucus,
lasikā muttanti.                                                                             Oil of the joints, urine.’

Iti ajjhattaṃ vā kāye                                                   Thus he dwells contemplating  the body
Kāyānupassī viharati,                                                                in the body internally,
Bahiddhā vā kāye                                                         or he dwells contemplating the body
Kāyānupassī viharati,                                                            in the body externally,
Ajjhattabahiddhā vā kāye                                        or he dwells contemplating the body in the body
Kāyānupassī viharati.                                                                Both internally and externally.

Samudayadhammānupassī vā                              He dwells contemplating the origination
Kāyasmiṃ viharati,                                                     factors in the body,
Vayadhammā-nupassī vā                                        or he dwells contemplating the dissolution
Kāyasmiṃ viharati,                                                     factors in the body,
Samudayavayadhammānupassī vā                   or he dwells contemplating both the
Kāyasmiṃ viharati,                                                     origination and dissolution factors in the body.

Atthi kāyo ti vā panassa                                                          Or his mindfulness is established as
Sati paccupaṭṭhitā hoti,                                                            ‘ There is the body only,’
Yāvadeva ñāṇamattāya                                                            to the extent necessary for knowledge and
Paṭissatimattāya.                                                         Mindfulness.
Anissito ca viharati.                                                    He dwells completely independent ( not
depending on craving and wrong view)
Na ca kiñci loke loke upādiyati.                                           Clinging to nothing in the world.

Evampi kho, bhikkhave,                                           Monks, Thus indeed, a monk
Bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī viharati.                 dwells contemplating the body in the body,

ปฏิกูลมนสิการบรรพ จบ : PaTikūlamanasikārapabbaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ :
 Refelection on the Repulsiveness of the Body ended.

