วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

5 ทุกขัปปัตตา : dukkhappattā

5 ทุกขัปปัตตา  :  dukkhappattā
 Dukkhappattā ca niddhukkhā                                        May all beigs:
Bhayappattā ca nibbhayā                                                who hae fallen into suffering be without suffering,
Sokappattā ca nissokā                                                    who have fallen into danger be without danger,
Hontu sabbe pi pānino.                                                     Wo have fallen into sorrow be without sorrow.
Ettāvatā ca amhehi,                                                          For the sake of all  attinment & success,
Sambhtaṃ puñña-sampadaṃ                                        May all heavenly beings rejouce,
Sabbe devānumodantu,                                                   In the extent to which we have gathered
Sabba-sampatti-siddhiyā.                                               A consummation of merit.
Dānaṃ dadantu saddhāya                                              May they give gifts with conviction,
Sīlaṃ rakkhantu sabbadā                                                May they always maintain virtue,
Bhāvanābhiratā hontu                                                      May they delight in meditation,
Gacchantu devatāgatā.                                                   May they go to a heavenly destination.
Sabbe buddhā balappattā                                                From the strngth attained by all the Buudhas
|Paccekānañca yaṃ balaṃ                                            The strength of the Private Buddhas,
Arahantānañca tejana                                                      By the power of the arahants,
Rakkhaṃ bandhami sabbaso.                                       I bind this protection all around.


