วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

สิงคาลสูตร 7

imehi pañcahi ṭhānehi                                                and the parents show their compassion
puttaṃ anukampanti                                      to their children.
evamassa esā puratthimā                             Thus is the East
disā paṭicchannā hoti                                     covered by them
khemā appaṭibhayā.                                       and made safe and secure.

Pañcahi kho gahapatiputta                                     In five ways, young householder
ṭhānehi antevāsinā dakkhinā,                                               a pupil should minister
disā ācariyā paccupaṭṭhātabbā                                            to a teacher as the South:
uṭṭhānena                                                                          i. "by rising from the seat in salutation,
upaṭṭhānena                                                                     ii. by attending on him,
sussusāya                                                                        iii. by eagerness to learn,
paricariyāya                                                                     iv. by personal service,
sakkccaṃ sippaṃ paṭhiggahaṇena                    v. by respectful attention
while receiving instructions.

imehi  kho gahapatiputta  pañcahi                      "In five ways, young householder,
Thānehi antevāsinā dakkhiṇā                                               do teachers thus ministered        
Disā ācariya paccupaṭṭhitā                                     to as the South by their pupils,
Imehi pañcahi ṭhānehi                                                               show their compassion:
antevāsiṃ anukampanti                                 to them

Suvinītaṃ vinenti                                                         i. "they train them in the best discipline,
Sugahitaṃ gāhāgpenti                                                               ii. they see that they grasp their lessons well,
Sabbasippesu taṃ samakkhāyino bhavanti                 iii. they instruct them
in the arts and sciences,
Mittāmaccesu paṭivedenti                                       vi. they introduce them to their friends and associates,
Disāsu parittāṇaṃ karonti                                       v. they provide for their safety
in every quarter.
Imehi  kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                       "In five ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi antevāsinā dakkhiṇā                                 "The teachers thus ministered to
diṣā ācariyā paccupṭṭhitā                                         as the South
imehi pañcahi ṭhānehi                                                                by their pupils,
antevāsiṃ anukampanti                                                           show their compassion
evamassa esā dakkhiṇā                                           towards them in these five ways.
disā paṭṭhicchannā hoti                                                            Thus is the South covered by
khemā appaṭibhayā.                                                   them and made safe and secure.

Pañcahi kho gahapatiputta                                     "In five ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi sāmikena pacchimā disā                        should a wife as
bhariyā paccupaṭṭhātabbā                                       the West be ministered to by a husband:

sammanāya                                                    i. "by being courteous to her,
avimānāya                                                                        ii. by not despising her,
anaticariyāya                                                  iii. by being faithful to her,
issariyavossaggena                                                    iv. by handing over authority to her,
alaṃkārānuppadanena                                                              v. by providing her with adornments.

imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                        "The wife thus ministered to
ṭhānehi sāmikena pacchima disā                        as the West by her husband
bhariya paccupaṭṭhitā                                                                shows her compassion
pañcahi ṭhānehi sāmikaṃ anukampanti                          to her husband in five ways:

susaṃvihitakammantā ca hoti                                              i. "she performs her duties well,
susaṅgahitaparijanā ca                                                             ii. she is hospitable to relations
and attendants
anaticārinī ca                                                                  iii. she is faithful,
sambhatañca anurakkhati                                       iv. she protects what he brings,
dhakkhā ca hoti analasā sabbakiccesu                          v. she is skilled and industrious
in discharging her duties.
imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                        "In these five ways young householder,
ṭhānehi sāmikena pacchimā disā                        does the wife show
bhariyā paccupaṭṭhitā                                                                her compassion to
imehi pañcahi ṭhanehi samikaṃ                                          her husband
anukamanti                                                                      who ministers
evamassa esā pacchima                                         to her as the West.
disā paṭhicchannā hoti                                                              Thus is the West covered by him and
khemā appaṭhibhayā.                                                                 made safe and secure.

Pañcahi kho gahapatiputta                                     "In five ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi kulaputtena uttara disā                                           should a clansman minister
mittamaccā paccupaṭṭhātabbā                                             to his friends and associates as the North:

dānena                                                                                i. "by liberality,
 piyavajjena                                                                      ii. by courteous speech,
atthacariyāya                                                                  iii. by being helpful,
samānattāya                                                                   iv. by being impartial,
avisaṃvādanatāya                                                      v. by sincerity.

imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                        "The friends and associates thus
ṭhanehi kulaputttna uttara disā                                            ministered to as the North by a clansman
mittāmaccā paccupṭṭhitā                                         show compassion
pañcahi ṭhānehi kulaputtaṃ  anukampanti    to him in five ways:

pamattaṃ rakkhanti                                                    i. "They protect him when he is heedless,
pamattassa sāpateyyaṃ rakkhanti                    ii. they protect his property
when he is heedless,
bhītassa sarṇaṃ honti                                                               iii. they become a refuge
when he is in danger,
āpadāsu na vijahanti                                                  iv. they do not forsake him in his troubles,
aparapajaṃpissa paṭipūjenti                                  v. they show consideration for his family.

imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                        "The friends and associates
ṭhānehi kulaputtena uttara disā                                           thus ministered to
mittāmaccā paccupaṭṭhitā                                      as the North
imehi pañcahi ṭhānehi                                                                by a clansman show their compassion
kulaputtaṃ anukampanti                                          towards him in these five ways

evamassa esā uttara disā                                       Thus is the North covered by him
paṭicchannā hoti khemā appaṭibhayā. .                           and made safe and secure.

Pañcahi kho gahapatiputta                            "In five ways young householder,
ṭhānehi ayirakena heṭṭhimā                                    should a master minister
disā dāsakammadarā                                                                 to his servants and
paccupaṭṭhātabbā                                                        employees as the Nadir:

yathābalaṃ kammantaṃ saṃvidhānena i.     "by assigning them work according
to their ability,
bhattavettanānuppadānena                                    ii. by supplying them with food
and with wages,
gilānupaṭṭhanena                                                          iii. by tending them in sickness,
acchriyānaṃ rasānaṃ saṅvibhāgena                               iv. by sharing with them any delicacies,
samaye vossaggena                                                   v. by granting them leave at times.
imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                        "The servants and employees
young householder,
ṭhānehi ayirakena heṭṭhimā disā                                         thus ministered to as the Nadir
dāsakammadarā paccupaṭṭhitā                                            by their master
pañcahi ṭhānehi ayirakaṃ anukampanti                          show their compassion to him in five ways:
pubbuṭṭhāyino ca honti                                    i. "they rise before him,
pacchānipātino ca.                                                          ii they go to sleep after him,
dinnādāyino ca                                                                 iii. they take only what is given,
sukatakammakarā ca                                                      iv. they perform their duties well,
kittivaṇṇaharā ca                                                            v. they uphold his good name and fame.
imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                        "The servants and employees
young householder,
ṭhānehi ayirakena heṭṭhimā disā                                         thus ministered to
dāsakammakarā paccupaṭṭhitā                                            as the Nadir
imehi pañcahi ṭhānehi ayirakaṃ                                show their compassion
anukampanti                                                                    towards him
evamassa esā heṭṭhimā                                           in these five ways.
disā paṭṭhichannā hoti                                                               thus is the Nadir covered by him and
khemā appaṭibhayā.                                                   made safe and secure.
Pañcahi kho gahapatiputta                                     "In five ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi kulaputtene uparimā                                                 should a householder minister to
disā samaṇabrahmaṇā                                                              ascetics and brahmins
paccupaṭṭhātabbā                                                        as the Zenith:
mettena kāyakammena                                                             i. "by lovable deeds,
mettena vacīkammena                                                              ii. by lovable words,
mettena manokammena                                           iii. by lovable thoughts,
anāvaṭaddavāratāya                                                   iv. by keeping open house to them,
āmisānuppadānena                                                     v. by supplying their material needs.

