วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

สิงคาลสูตร 8

imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                   "The ascetics and brahmins
young householder,
ṭhānehi kulaputtena uparimā                                                 thus ministered to as
disā samaṇabrahamaṇā paccupaṭṭhitā t                          he Zenith by a householder
chahi  ṭhānehi kulaputtaṃ anukampanti                         show their compassion towards him
in six ways:
pāpā nivārenti                                                                                 i. "they restrain him from evil,
Kallayāṇe nivesenti                                                    ii. they persuade him to do good,
kallayāṇena manasā anukampanti                     iii. they love him with a kind heart,
assutaṃ sāventi                                                           iv. they make him hear what
he has not heard,
sutaṃ pariyodapenti                                                   v. they clarify what he has already heard,
saggassa maggaṃ ācikkhanti                                              vi. they point out the path to
a heavenly state.

imehi  kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                       "In these six ways do young householder
ṭhānehi kulaputtehi uparimā                                   ascetics and
disā samaṇabrahamaṇā                                            brahmins show their compassion
paccupaṭṭhitā                                                                  towards a householder
imehi chahi ṭhānehi  kulaputtaṃ                                          who ministers to them
anukampanti                                                                    as the Zenith.
evamassa esā uparimā disā                                  Thus is the Zenith covered by him and
paṭicchannā hoti khemā appaṭibhayāti.                          made safe and secure."

Idamavoca bhagavā                                                    Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vattavāna sugato                                                             And when the Master had thus spoken,
Athaparaṃ etadavoca satthā                                                he spoke yet again:
Mātāpitā disā pubbā                                                   "The mother and father are the East,
Ācariyā dakkhiṇā disā                                                               The Teachers are the South,
Puttadārā disā pacchā                                                              Wife and Children are the West,.
Mittāmaccā ca uttara                                                                 The friends and associates are the North
Dāsakammakarā heṭṭ                                               Servants and employees are the Nadir,

Uddhaṃ samaṇabrahamaṇā                                   The ascetics and brahmins are the Zenith;
Etā disā namasseyya                                                                Who is fit to lead the household life,
Alamatto kule gihī                                                        These six quarters.he should salute
Paṇḍito sīlasampanno                                                               Who is wise and virtuous,

Saṇho ca paṭibhāṇavā                                                               Gentle and keen-witted,
Nivātavutti atdhaddho                                                               Humble and amenable,
Tādiso labhate yasaṃ                                                               Such a one to honour may attain.
Uṭṭhānako   anathaso                                                                 Who is energetic and not indolent,

Āpadāsu  na  vedhati                                                  In misfortune unshaken,
Acchiddavutti medhāvī                                                             Flawless in manner and intelligent,
Tādiso labhate  yasaṃ                                                              Such a one to honour may attain.

Saṃgahako mittakaro                                                                Who is hospitable, and friendly,
vadaññū vītamaccharo                                                              Liberal and unselfish,
Netā vinetā anunetā                                                    A guide, an instructor, a leader,
Tādiso labhate yasaṃ                                                               Such a one to honour may attain.
Dānañca piyavajjañca                                                               Generosity, sweet speech,

Atthacariya ca ya idha                                                              Helpfulness to others,
Samānattatā ca dhammesu                                    Impartiality to all,
Tattha tattha yathārahaṃ                                        As the case demands.
Ete kho saṃgahā loke                                                               These four winning ways make
the world go round,
Rathassāṇīva yāyato                                                                 As the linchpin in a moving car.
Ete ca saṅgahā nāssu                                                               If these in the world exist not,
Na mātā puttakāraṇā                                                 Neither mother nor father will receive,
Yassamā ca saṃgahā ete                                       Respect and honour from their children.
Samapakkhanti paṇḍitā                                                            Since these four winning ways The wise
appraise in every way,
Tassamā mahattaṃ papponti                                                To  eminence they attain,
Pāsaṃsā ca bhavanti teti.                                      And praise they rightly gain."
Evaṃ vutte                                                                       When the Exalted One had spoken thus,
Siṅgālako gahapatiputto                                          Sigala, the young householder,
Bhagavantaṃ etadavoca                                         said as follows:
Abhikkantaṃ bhante                                                   "Excellent, Lord, excellent! It is as if, Lord,
Abhikkantaṃ bhante                                                   a man were to set upright
Seyyethapi bhante nikkujjitaṃ                                             that which was overturned, or were to reveal
Vā ukkujjeyya paṭicchannaṃ                                                that which was hidden, or were to point out
Vā vivareyya mūḷahassa vā                                   the way to one who had gone astray,
Maggaṃ acikkheyya andhakāre                                          or were to hold a lamp amidst the darkness,.
Vā telappajjotaṃ dhāreyya                                     so that those who have eyes may see
Cakkhumanto rūpāni dakkhantīti                         Even so,
Evameva bhagavatā anekapariyāyena                            has the doctrine been explained
Dhammo pakāsito                                                        in various ways by the Exalted One.
Esāhaṃ bhante bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ                          "I take refuge, Lord, in the Buddha,
Gacchāmi dhammañca bhikkhusaṅghañca   the Dhamma, and the Sangha.
May the Exalted One
Upasakaṃ maṃ bhagavā dhāretu                       receive me as a lay follower; as one who has
Ajjatagge pāṇupetaṃ Saraṇaṃ gatanti.                          taken refuge from this very day to life's end."


