วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

สิงคาลสูตร 6

pamattaṃ rakkhati.                                                     i. "he guards the heedless,
Bhīrassa paṭisaraṇaṃ hoti                                      ii. he protects the wealth of the heedless,
Uppannesu kiccesu karaṇīyesu                                           iii. he becomes a refuge
when you are in danger,
Taddiguṇaṃ bhogaṃ anuppadeti                         iv. when there are commitments he provides you with double the supply needed.
Imehi kho gahapatiputta                                   "In four ways, young householder,
Catūhi ṭhānehi uppakaro                                           should one helpmate be understood
Mitto suhado veditabbo.                                            as a warm-hearted friend:

Catūhi kho gahapatiputta                                 (2) "In four ways, young householder,
ṭhanesi samānasukhadukkho                                                should one who is the same in happiness
mitto suhado veditabbo                                                            be understood as a warm-hearted friend:
and sorrow
guyhamassa ācikkhati                                                              i. "he reveals his secrets,
guyhamassa pariguyhati                                          ii. he conceals one's own secrets,
āpadāsu na vijāsati                                                     iii. in misfortune he does not forsake one,
jīvitampissa atthaya pariccattaṃ hoti                              iv. his life even he sacrifices for one's sake.

imehi kho gahapatiputta                                           In four ways, young householder,
catūhi ṭhanehi samānasukkhadukkho                              should one who is the same in happiness
mitto suhado veditabbo.                                           and sorrow be understood as a warm-hearted friend:

Catūhi kho gahapatiputta                               (3) "In four ways, young householder,
ṭhanehi atdhakkhāyī mitto                                       should one who gives good counsel
suhado veditabbo                                                         be understood as a warm-hearted friend:

pāpā nivāreti                                                                     i. "he restrains one from doing evil,
kallayāṇe niveseti                                                        ii. he encourages one to do good,
allutaṃ sāveti                                                                                 iii. he informs one of what is
unknown to oneself,
suggassa maggaṃ acikkhati                                                 iv. he points out the path to heaven.

imehi kho gahapatiputta                                           In four ways, young householder,
catūhi ṭhānehi atthakkhāyi                                     should one who gives good counsel
mitto suhado veditabbo.                                           be understood as a warm-hearted friend:

Catūhi kho hagapatiputta                               (4) "In four ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi anukampako mitto                                      should one who sympathises
suhado veditabbo                                                         be understood as a warm-hearted friend:

abhavenassa na nandati                                          i. "he does not rejoice in one's misfortune,
bhavenassa na nandati                                                             ii. he rejoices in one's prosperity,
bhavenassa nandati                                                    iii. he restrains others speaking ill of oneself,
avaṇṇaṃ bhaṇamāṇaṃ pasaṃsati.                   iv. he praises those who speak
well of oneself."

Imehi kho gahapatiputta                                                           "In four ways, young householder,
Catūhi ṭhānehi anukampako                                   should one who sympathises
Mitto suhado veditaboti.                                          be understood as a warm-hearted friend:

Idamavoca bhagavā                                                    Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vatvāna sugato                                                  And when the Master had thus spoken,
Athaparaṃ etadavoca satthā                                                he spoke yet again:

Upakaro ca yo mitto                                             "The friend who is a helpmate,
Sukhedukkho ca yo sakhā                             the friend in happiness and woe,
Atthakkhāyī ca yo mitto                                                           the friend who gives good counsel,
Yo ca mittānukampako                                                             the friend who sympathises too --
Etepi mitte cattāro                                                       these four as friends
Iti viññāya paṇḍito                                                       the wise behold
Sakkaccaṃ payirupāseyya                                    and cherish them devotedly
Mātā puttaṃva orasaṃ.                                                            as does a mother her own child.

Paṇḍito sīlasampanno                                                               The wise and virtuous shine [6]
Jalaṃ aggīva bhāsati                                                                 like a blazing fire.,
Bhoge  saṃharamānassa                                        He who acquires his wealth
in harmless ways
Bhamarasseva irīyato                                                                like to a bee that honey gathers
Bhogā sanniccayaṃ yanti                                       riches mount up for him
Vammukovūpacīyati                                                   like ant hill's rapid growth.

evaṃ bhoge samaharittavā                                    With wealth acquired this way,
Asamatto kule gihī.                                                     a layman fit for household life,
Catudhā vibhaje bhoge                                                              in portions four divides his wealth:
Save mittāni ganthati                                                                 thus will he friendship win.

Ekena bhoge bhuñjeyya                                           One portion for his wants he uses,
Davīhi kammaṃ payojaye                                       two portions on his business spends,
Catutthañca nidhāpeyya                                          the fourth for times
Āpadasu bhavissatīti.                                                                of need he keeps."

Kathañca gahapatiputta                                           And how, young householder,
Ariyasāvako Chadisānipaṭiṭhchādī hoti                           does a noble disciple cover the six quarters?
Cha imā gahapatiputta disā veditabbā                          "The following should be looked upon
as the six quarters.
1 Puratthimā disā mātāpitaro veditabbā                         1 The parents should be looked
upon as the East, ,
2  Dakkhiṇā disa ācariyā veditabbā                   2  teachers as the South
3 Pacchimā disā veditabbā                                    3 wife and children as the West,
4 Uttarā disā mittāmaccā veditabbā                 4 friends and associates as the North,
5 Heṭhimā disā dāsakammakarā veditabbā  5 servants and employees as the Nadir,
6 Uparima disā samaṇabrāhamaṇā veditabbā             6 ascetics and brahmins as the Zenith.[8]

Pañcahi kho gahapatiputta                                     " In five ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi puttena puratthimā                                     a child should minister
disā matāpitaro  paccupaṭṭhātabbā                   to his parents as the East:

1bhato nesaṃ bharissamii.                                     i"Having supported me I shall support them,
2kiccaṃ nesaṃ karissami                                      ii. I shall do their duties,
3Kulavaṃsaṃ ṭhapessāmi                                      iii. I shall keep the family tradition,
4dayajjaṃ paṭipajjāmi                                                                iv. I shall make myself worthy
of my inheritance,
5atha vā pana petānaṃ kākatanaṃ                   v. furthermore I shall offer alms
dakkhiṇaṃ anuppadassāmīti                                                 in honour of my departed relatives

imehi kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                        "In five ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi puttena puratthimā disā                                          the parents thus ministered
mātāpitaro paccupaṭṭhitā                                         to as the East
pañcahi kho ṭhānehi puttaṃ                                   by their children,
anukampanti                                                                    show their compassion:

pāpā nivarenti                                                                                 i. "they restrain them from evil,
kallayane nivesenti                                                     ii. they encourage them to do good,
sippaṃ sikkhāpenti                                                     iii. they train them for a profession,
paṭirūpena dārena saṃyojenti                                               iv. they arrange a suitable marriage,
samaye dāyajjaṃ niyyadenti.                                               v. at the proper time they hand over their                                                                                    inheritance to them.
Ime kho gahapatiputta pañcahi                                            "In these five ways do
ṭhānehi puttena puratthimā disā                                children minister to their
mātāpitaro paccupaṭṭhitā                                         parents as the East

