วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

4 ติลักขณาทิคาถา : Tilakkhanādigathā : The three Characteristics.

4 ติลักขณาทิคาถา : Tilakkhanādigathā  :  The three Characteristics.

Sabbe sankhārā aniccā’ti                                        All processes are inconstant:
Yadā paññāya passati,                                                             When one sees this with discernment,
Atha nibbindati dukkhe                                                             One grows disenchanted with stress -
Esa maggo visuddhiyā.                                                            This is the path to purity.
Sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā’ti                                       All processes are stressful.
Yadā paññāya passati,                                                             When one sees this with discernment,
Atha nibbindati dukkhe                                                             One grows disenchanted with stress –
Esa maggo visuddhiyā.                                                            This is the path to purity.
Sabbe dhammā anattā’ti                                          All phenomena are not-self
Yadā paññāya passati                                                               When one sees this with discernment,
Atha nibbindati dukkhe                                                             One grows disenchanted with stress-
Esa maggo visuddhiyā.                                                            This is the path of purity.
Appakā te manussesu                                                               Few are the human beings who go to
Ye janā pāra-gāmino                                                   the further Shore, these others simply
Athāyaṃ itarā pajā                                                      scurry around
Tīram-evānudhāvati.                                                   On this shore.
Ye ca kho sammadakkhāte                                    But those who practice the Dhamma
Dhamme dhammānuvattino                                    in line with the well-taught Dhamma,
Te janā paramessanti                                                                They will cross over Death’s realm,
Maccudheyyaṃ suduttaraṃ.                                  So hard to transdend.
Kanhaṃ dhammaṃ vippāhāya                                              Abandoning dark practices,
Sukkaṃ bhāvetha paṇdito.                                     The wise person should develop
Okā anokam’agamma                                                                the bright, Having gone from home
Viveke yattha dūramaṃ.                                                          To  no-home, in seclusion, so hard
                                                                                                To relish.
Tatrabhiratim’iccheyya                                                             There he should wish for delight,
Hitvā kāme akiñcano,                                                                Having discarded sensuality -
Pariyodapeyya attānaṃ                                                         he who has nothing. He should cleanse
Citta-klesehi pandito.                                                                Himself, the wise one, of mental     
Yesaṃ sambodhiyaṅgesu                                       Whose minds are well-developed
Sammā cittaṃ subhāvitaṃ                                     In the factors of Awakening,
Ādāna-patinissagge                                                    Who delight in non-clinging,
Anupādāya ye ratā                                                       Relinquishing grasping,
Khīn’āsavā jutimanto                                                 Glorious, free of effluent:
Te loke parinibbutā’ti.                                                                They are unbound in the world.


