วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

3 ธัมมะนิยามะสูตร : Dhammaniyama sutta : Discourse on the Fixed Law of Dhamma

ธัมมะนิยามะสูตร  :  Dhammaniyama sutta :  Discourse on the Fixed Law of Dhamma

Evaṃ me sutaṃ.                                                           Thus have I  heard:
Ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā,                                       At one time the Exalted One
Savatthiyaṃ viharati,                                                                was staying at Savatthi.
Jetavane anāthapindikassa ārāme.                   In Prince Jeta’s Grove, in the
                                                                                                Park of Anathapindika.
Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū                                    Then the exalted One spoke thus
Āmantesi ‘ Bhikkhavo’ ti.                                        To the bhikkhu:’O bhikkhu’.
Bhadante’ ti te bhikku bhagavato                      Those bhikkhus replied to the
Paccassosuṃ.                                                                               Exalted One, ‘ Lord’.
Bhagavā etadavoca:                                                  The Exalted One then said:
Uppādā vā bhikkheve tathāgatānaṃ                 Bhikkhus, whether there is the
Anuppādā vā tathāgatānaṃ.                                  Appearance of Tathagatas or
                                                                                                There is not the appearance of
Thitā vā sā dhātu dhammaṭṭhitatā                      there is this established condition
Dhammaniyāmatā,                                                       of  Dhamma, this fixed Law of
Sabbe sankhārā aniccā’ ti.                                     All that is conditioned is  impermanent
Taṃ tathāgato abbhisambujjhati                         That a Tathagata has fully awakened
abhisameti.      .                                                               To, He fully understand.
Abhisambujjhitavā abhisametavā,                     so awakened and understanding,
Acikkati deseti.                                                                          He announces it, points it our,
Paññapeti paṭṭhapeti,                                                 declares, establishes,
Vivarati vibhajati,                                                         expounds, explains and
Uttānīkaroti,                                                                    clarifies ( that):
Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā’ti.                                      All that  is conditioned is impermanent.
Uppādā vā bhikkhave tathāgatānaṃ                 Bhikkhus, whether  there is the
Anuppādā vā tathāgatānaṃ,                                  appearance of Tathagatas or there is not
                                                                                                Appaearance of Tathagatas,
Thitā va sā dhātu dhammaṭṭhitatā                      there is  this established condition of
Dhammaniyāmatā,                                                     dhamma, this fixed Law of Dhamma:
Sabbe sankhārā dukkhā’ti, Taṃ                                        All that  is conditioned  is impermanent.
Tathāgato abhisambujjhati abhisameti.                          That a Tathagata has fully awakened to,
                                                                                                He fully understands,
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā,                                          so awakened  and understranding,  he
Acikkhati deseti.                                                          Announces it  points it out.
Paññapeti, patthapeti,                                                               declares, establishes,
Vivarati vibhajati                                                          expounds, explain and
Uttānīkaroti,                                                                    clarifies ( that )
Sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā’ti.                                     All that is conditioned is impermanent.
Uppādā vā bhikkhave tathāgatānaṃ                 Bhikkhus, whether there is he apperance
Anuppādā vā tathāgatānam,                                  of Tathagatas or there is not the
                                                                                                Appearance of Tathagatas,
Thitā va sā  dhātu dhammaṭṭhitatā                    there is this established condition of
Dhammaniyāmatā,                                                       Dhamma, this fixed Law of Dhamma:
Sabbe dhammā anattā’ti, Taṃ tathāgato                      All Dhamma are not self.
Abhisambujjhati abhisameti,                                 That Tathagatas has fully awakened to,
                                                                                                He fully understands,
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametavā,                                        so awakened and understanding,
Acikkhati deseti.                                                          He announces it , points it out,
Paññapeti paṭṭhapeti,                                                 declares , establishes,
Vivarati vibhajati,                                                         expounds, explains and
Uttānīkaroti,                                                                    clarifies (that)
Idamavoca bhagavā,                                                  Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhasitaṃ    Delighted, those bhikkhus rejoiced
Abhinandum’ti.                                                                           In what the Exalted One  had said.


