วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

4 มงคลจักรวาฬน้อย Cullamangalacakkavala : The lesser Sphere of Blessing.

4 มงคลจักรวาฬน้อย
Cullamangalacakkavala  :  The lesser Sphere of Blessing.

Sabbabuddhānubhāvena,                                               By the power of all the Buddhas,
Sabbadhammānubhāvena,                                             By the power of all the Dhammas,
Sabbasaṅghānubhāvena,                                               By the power of all the Sanghas,
Buddharatanaṃ,                                                                The Buddha-treasure,
Dhammaratanaṃ,                                                              The Dhamma-treasure,
Saṅgharatanaṃ,                                                                The Sangha-treasure,
Tinnaṃ ratanānaṃ ānubhāvena.                   By the power of the Three Treasures,
Caturasītisahassadhammakkhandhānubhavena.    By the power of 84,000 sections of
Pitakattayānubhāvena,                                                    by the power of the Three Pitakas.
Jinasāvakānubhāvena,                                                    by the power of the Conqueror’s
Sabbe te rogā,                                                                    may all your diseases
Sabe te bhayā,                                                                   may all your dangers,
Sabbe te antarāyā,                                                            may all your obstacles,
Sabbe te upaddavā,                                                          may all your distress,
Sabbe te dunnimittā,                                                         may all your unlucky signs,
Sabbe te avamangalā,                                                     may all your unauspicousness,
Vinassantu.                                                                         All be destroyed.
Ayuvaddhako,dhanavaddhako,                                     Long life increasing, wealth increasing
Sirivaddhako,yasavaddhako,                                        fortune increasing, fame increasing,
Balavaddhako,vaṇṇavaddhako,                                    power increasing, beauty increasing,
Sukkhavaddhako hotu sabbadā.                                   Happiness increasing, may they ever be
Dukkharogabhayā verā sokā                                          Dukkha, disease, danger, enmity, sorrow,
sattu cupaddavā                                                                perils and distress
Anekā antarāyāpi                                                               Not only obstacle-may they be destroyed
Vinassantu ca tejasā                                                        By this power.
Jayasiddhi dhanaṃ lābhaṃ,                                           Triumph, success, wealth,
Sothi bhayaṃ sukhaṃ balaṃ                                         safety, luck, happiness, gain and
Siri āyu ca vanno ca                                                          Fortune, long life and beauty prosperity
Bhogaṃ Vudḍhi ca yasavā,                                            and fame may they increase,
Satavassā ca āyū ca.                                                       And a hundred  years of life and
Jīvasiddhi bhavantu te                                                     Successful in livelihood may you be.


