วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

สิงคาลสูตร 2

Pāṇātipāto                                                                        "Killing,
Adinnādānaṃ                                                                  stealing,
Musāvādo pavuccati                                                  lying
Paradāragamanañceva                                                             and adultery,
Na pasaṃsanti paṇḍitāti.                                         These four evils the wise never praise.
Katamehi catūhi ṭhānehi                                                          (2) "In which four ways
Pāpakammaṃ na karoti                                            does one commit no evil action?
Chandāgatiṃ gacchanto                                           Led by desire
Pāpakammaṃ karoti                                                   does one commit evil.
Dosāgatiṃ gacchanto                                                                Led by anger
Pāpakammaṃ karoti                                                   does one commit evil.
Mohagatiṃ gacchanto                                                               Led by ignorance
Pāpakammaṃ karoti                                                   does one commit evil.

Bhayāgatiṃ gacchanto                                                          Led by fear
Pāpakammaṃ karoti.                                                                 does one commit evil.[2]
Yato  kho gahapatiputta                                                           "But inasmuch
Ariyasāvako                                                                    as the noble disciple is not led by and
Neva chandāgatiṃ gacchati                                   desire,
Na dosāgatiṃ gacchati                                                             anger,
Na mohāgatiṃ gacchati                                                            ignorance,
Na bhayāgatiṃ gacchati                                           fear,
Imehi catūhi ṭhanehi pāpakammaṃ                   he commits
Na karotīti.                                                                       no evil."
Idamavoca bhagavā                                                    Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vattavāna  sugato                                                            And when the Master had thus spoken,
Athaparaṃ etadavoca satthā                                                he spoke yet again:
Chandā dosā bhayā mohā                                      "Whoever through desire, hate or fear,
Yo dhammaṃ ativattati.                                                           Or ignorance should transgress
the Dhamma,
Nihīyato tassa yaso                                                    All his glory fades away
Kāḷapkkheva candimā.                                                              Like the moon during the waning half.

Chandā dosā bhayā mohā                                       Whoever through desire, hate or fear,
Yo dhammaṃ nativattati.                                        Or ignorance never transgresses
the Dhamma
Āparati tassa yaso                                                      All his glory ever increases
Sukkapakkheva candimā                                         Like the moon during the waxing half.

Katamāni  cha bhogānaṃ                              (3) "What are the six channels for
dissipating wealth
Apāyamukkhāni na sevati                             which he does not pursue?

Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānānuyogo                    (a) "indulgence in intoxicants
Kho gahapatiputta                                                        which cause of decreasing and
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukhaṃ                                       losing of wealth
Vikālavisikhācariyānuyogo                           (b) sauntering in streets at unseemly hours;
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukhaṃ                                       which cause of decreasing and
losing of wealth.

Samajjābhicaranaṃ                                       (c)frequenting theatrical shows
which cause of
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukhaṃ                              decreasing and losing of wealth.

Jūtappamādaṭṭhānānuyogo                           (d) indulgence in gambling which causes  
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukkhaṃ                            of decreasing and losing of wealth.

Pāpamittānuyogo                                           (e) association with evil companions
which cause ;
Bhogānaṃ apāyamukkhaṃ                            of decreasing and losing of wealth.

Ālassānuyogo                                                 (f) the habit of idleness.which cause of decreasing
Bhoganaṃ apāyamukkhaṃ                                     and losing of wealth
Cha khome gahapatiputta                              (a) "There are, young householder,
Adīnavā                                                                              these six evil consequences in indulging in
Surāmerayamajjapamadaṭṭhānānuyoge          intoxicants which cause infatuation and heedlessness:
Sandiṭṭhikā dhanajāni                                                                i"loss of wealth,
Kalahappavaḍḍhanī                                                     ii. increase of quarrels,
Rogānaṃ āyatanaṃ                                                    iii. susceptibility to disease,
Akittisañjananī                                                                               iv. earning an evil reputation,
Hirikopinaniddaṃsanī                                                                v. shameless exposure of body,
Paññāya dubbalīkaraṇītaveva                                               vi. weakening
Chaṭṭhaṃ padaṃ bhavati(b)                                   of intellect.
Ime kho gahapatiputta                                                               "There are, young householder,
these six evil
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     consequences  in indulging in intoxicants
 surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānānuyoge                          whichcause infatuation and heedlessness:
cha khome gahapatiputta                                        There are, young householder,
ādīnavā                                                                               these six evil consequences
Vikālavisikhacariyānuyoge(b)                                              in sauntering in streets at unseemly hours:
Attāpissa i.                                                                       i"he himself is unprotected
Agutto arakkhito hoti.                                                                and unguarded,
Puttadāropissa                                                              ii. his wife and children are unprotected and
Agutto arakkhito hoti                                                  unguarded,
Sāpateyyaṃpissa                                                        iii. his property is unprotected
Aguttaṃ arakkhitaṃ hoti.                                        and unguarded,
Saṅkiyo ca hoti                                                                              iv. he is suspected
Tesu tesu ṭhānesu                                                       of evil deeds,[
Abhūtavacanañca                                                        v. he is subject
Tasmiṃ rūhati                                                                                to false rumours,
Bahūnañca dukkhadhammanaṃ                          vi. he meets
Purakkhito hoti                                                                              with many troubles.
Ime kho gahapatiputta                                               (c) "There are, young householder,
Cha ādīnavā                                                                     these six evil consequences
vikālavisikhācariyānuyoge                                     in frequenting theatrical shows:                    
Cha khome gahapatiputta                              There are, young householder, these six evil
Adīnavā                                                                              consequences
Samajjābhicaraṇe                                                        in frequenting theatrical shows:
Kava naccaṃ                                                                  i. "where is there dancing?
Kava gītaṃ                                                                       ii. where is there singing?
Kava vāditaṃ                                                                  iii. where is there music?
Kava akkhataṃ                                                                              iv. where is there recitation?
Kava pāṇissaraṃ                                                          v. where is there playing with cymbals?
Kava kumbhathūnanti                                                                vi. where is there pot-blowing?

