วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

สิงคาลสูตร 5

imehi kho gahapatiputta                                                        (2) "In four ways, young householder,
catūhi ṭhānehi                                                                                 should one who
aññadatthuharo amitto                                                              renders lip-service be understood
mittapaṭirūpako veditabbo.                                     as a foe in the guise of a friend:

Catūhi kho gahapatiputta                                         In four ways, should one who                        
ṭhānehi vacīparamo amitto                                     renders lip-service be understood
mittapaṭirūpako veditabbo                                      as a foe in the guise of a friend:
atītene paṭisantharati                                                                i. "he makes friendly profession as regards
the past,              
anāgatene paṭisanthrati                                                            ii. he makes friendly profession as regards
the future,
niratthakena saṃgaṇhāti                                         iii. he tries to gain one's favour
by empty words,
paccuppannesu kiccesu                                           iv. when opportunity for service has arisen,
bapasanaṃ dasseti                                                     he expresses his inability.
imehi kho gahapatiputta                                                        In four ways, should one who
catūhi ṭhānehi vacīparamo                                      renders lip-service be understood
amitto mittapaṭirūpako                                                              as a foe in the guise
veditabbo.                                                       of a friend:

Catuhi kho gahapatiputta                               (3) "In four ways, young householder,
Thanehi anuppiyabhāṇī                                                             should one who flatters be understood
Amitto mittapaṭirūpako                                                             as a foe in the guise
Veditabbo                                                                          of a friend:

Pāpakammaṃpissa anujānāti                                               i. "he approves of his friend's evil deeds,
Kalayāṇaṃpi anujanāti                                              ii. he disapproves his friend's good deeds,
Sammukhassa vaṇṇaṃ bhasati                                           iii. he praises him in his presence,
Parammukhassa avaṇṇaṃ bhāsati                    iv. he speaks ill of him in his absence.

Imehi kho gahapatiputta                                           In four ways, young householder,
Catūhi ṭhānehi anuppiyabhāṇī                                               should one who flatters be understood
Amitto mittapaṭirūpako                                                             as a foe in the guise
Veditabbo.                                                                        of a friend:
Catūhi kho gahapatiputta                               (4) "In four ways, young householder,
Thānehi apāyasahāyo                                                                should one who brings ruin
Amitto mittapaṭirūpako                                                             be understood as a foe in the guise
Veditabbo.                                                                        of a friend:
Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānānuyoge                          i" he is a companion
in indulging in intoxicants that
Sahāyo hoti.                                                   cause infatuation and heedlessness,
Vikālavisikhācariyanuyoge                                   ii. he is a companion in sauntering
Sahāyo hoti.                                                         in streets at unseemly hours,
Samajjābhicaraṇe                                                        iii. he is a companion in frequenting
sahāyo hoti                                                     theatrical shows,
Jūtappamādaṭṭhānanuyoge                           iv. he is a companion in indulging in
Sahāyo hoti                                                    gambling which causes heedlessness."

Imehi kho gahapatiputta                                           In four ways, young householder,
Catūhi ṭhānehi apāyasahāyo                                                 should one who brings ruin
Amitto mittapaṭirūpako                                                             be understood as a foe in the guise
Veditabbo.                                                                        of a friend:

Idamavoca bhagavā                                                    Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Idaṃ vattavāna sugato                                                         And when the Master had thus spoken,
Athaparaṃ etadavoca satthā                                                he spoke yet again:

Aññadatthuharo mitto                                                  "The friend who appropriates,
Yo ca mitto vacīparamo                                                the friend who renders lip-service,
Anuppiyañca yo āha                                                       the friend that flatters,
Apāyesu ca yo sakhā                                                      the friend who brings ruin,

Ete amitte cattāro                                                        these four
Iti viññāya paṇḍito                                                       as enemies the wise behold,
Ārakā parivajjeyya                                                       avoid them from afar
Maggaṃ paṭibhayaṃ yathati.                                                as paths of peril.

Cattarome gahapatiputta                                         "These four, young householder, should be
Mittā suhadā veditabbā                                             understood as warm-hearted friends:

Upakārako mitto Suhado veditabbo              (1) "he who is a helpmate,
Samānasukhadukkho mitto                           (2) he who is the same
Suhado veditabbo                                          in happiness and sorrow,
Atthakkāyī mitto             Suhado veditabbo                 (3) he who gives good counsel
Anukampako mitto Suhado veditabbo.                     (4) he who sympathises.

Catūhi kho gahapatiputta                               (1) "In four ways, young householder,
ṭhānehi upakāro mitto                                                        should a helpmate be understood
suhado veditabbo                                                         as a warm-hearted friend:

