วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

3 ปัญจะอภิณหะปัจจะเวกขณะคาถา : Panca abhinhapacavekkhanagāthā : Passage on Five Subject for Frequent Recollection

3 ปัญจะอภิณหะปัจจะเวกขณะคาถา   :   Panca abhinhapacavekkhanagāthā :
Passage on Five Subject for Frequent Recollection
Handa mayam panca Abhinhapaccavekkhanapāthaṃ bhanāma se.
Let us now chant passage on Five Subjects for Frequent Recollection.

Jarāhidhammomhi ,                                                          we are continually driven to old age,
Jaraṃ anatito ( anatitā),                                                   there being no way to resist it,
Byādhidhammomhi,                                                          we are continually driven to sickness.
Byathiṃ anatito ( anatitā),                                               there being no way to resist it;
Marana dhammomhi,                                                        we are continually driven to  death,
Maranaṃ anatito(anatitā),                                               there being no way to resist it;
Sabbehi me pihehi manāpehi,                                        we are destined to lose and leave our
Nānābhāvo vinābhāvo,                                                    Beloved ones and things,
Kammassakomhi,                                                             I am owner of my deed,
Kammadāyādo,                                                                  I am the heir to my deed,
Kammayoni,                                                                        I am born of my deed,
Kammabandhu,                                                                  I am related to my deed,
Kammapatisarano,                                                            I am abide supported by my deed,
Yaṃ kammaṃ karissāmi,                                               whatever deed I shall do,
Kalyānaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā,                                             for good or evil,
Tassa dāyādo bhavissāmīti,                                          of that I shall be the heir.
Evaṃ abhinhaṃ paccavekkhitabbaṃ.                        Thus, these such subjects are to be
                                                                                                Recollected every day.


