วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

1 ถวายพรพระ : Monks Blessings: Homage to the Buddha


1 ถวายพรพระ   :  Monks Blessings:
Homage to the Buddha
Namo tassa Bhagavato,                                                  Homage to the Blessed One,
Arahato,                                                                                the Worthy One,
Sammā-sambuddhassa,                                 the Rightly Self-awakened One.
( 3 times)

1. Buddhanussati                                                               Recollection of the Buddha’s qualities.
Iti’pi so bhagavā.                                                                Thus indeed is the Blessed one,
Arahaṃ,                                                                                He is the Accomplished one,
Sammāsambuddho,                                                         the Supremely Enlightened One,
Vijjācarana sampanno,                                                    the Perfect Embodiment of wisdom and
Sugato,                                                                                the Auspicious Path-finder,
Lokavidū,                                                                             the knower of all Realms,
Anuttaro purisadham’masarathi,                                   the Incomparable Tamer of Individuals,
Satthā Devamanussānaṃ,                                             the Supreme Master of Gods can men,
Buddho, Bhagavāti.                                                          The Awakened One, the Lord.
2. Dhammanussati                                                            Recollection of the Dhamna’s qualities.
Svakkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammmo,                              The Teaching has been perfectly
                                                                                                Enunciated by the Blessed One,
Sandiṭṭhiko,                                                                         It is verifiable and now,
Akāliko,                                                                                                It bears immediate fruit,
Ehipassiko,                                                                         It invites all to test for themselves,
Opanayiko,                                                                          It leads onward to Nibbana,
Paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī’ti.                                    It is to be comprehended by the wise,
                                                                                                Each for himself.
3. Sanghanussati                                                               Recollection of the Sangha’s qualities.
Supatipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,                   The Order of the Holy Disciples of the
                                                                                                Blessed One is established on the Good
Ujupatipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,  The Order of the Holy Disciple of the
                                                                                                Blessed One is established  on the
                                                                                                Straight Way;
Ñāyapatipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,              The Order of the Holy Disciple of the
                                                                                                Blessed One is established on the
                                                                                                True Way;
Samīcipatipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,           The Order of the Holy Disciple of the
                                                                                                Blessed One is established on the Proper
Yadidaṃ cattāri purisayugāni                                         Comprising the Four Pairs of Holy
Aṭṭhapurisapuggalā,                                                          Persons, the eight spiritually transformed
Esa Bhagavato sāvak-saṅgho,                                     This Order of the Holy Disciple of the
                                                                                                Blessed One
Āhuneyyo,                                                                           is worthy of offerings,
Pāhuneyyo,                                                                         of hospitality,
Dakkhineyyo,                                                                      of gifts and
Añjalikaranīyo,                                                                    of referential salutations.
Anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassā’ti.                         Is the incomparable Field of Merit for
                                                                                                The world.
4.Buddha-jaya-mangala Gatha. :The verses of the Buddha’s Auspicious Victories.
Bahuṃ sahassam’abhinimmita-                                    Creating a form with 1,000 arms, each
Sāvudhantaṃ,                                                                    equipped with a weapon, Mara, on the
Grimekhalaṃ udita-ghora-sasena-māraṃ, elephant Girimekhala, uttered
Dānādi-dhamma-vidhinā jitavā munindo,                    a frightening roar together with his
Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-mangalāni,                       troops. The Lord of Sage defeated him
[Tan-tejasa bhavatu te jaya-mangal’aggaṃ]              by means of such qualities as generosity:
                                                                                                By the power of this, may you have the
                                                                                                Highest victory blessing.
Mārātirekam-abhiyujjhita-sabba-rattiṃ,                      Even more frightful than Mara making
Ghorampan’alavaka-makkam-athaddha-                   war all night was Alavaka, the arrogant
Yakkhaṃ,                                                                            unstable ogre. The Lord of Sage defeated
Khantī-sudanta-vidinā jitavā munindo,                        him by means of well-trained endurance:
Ten-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-maṅgalāni.                       By the power of this, may  you have
                                                                                                Victory blessings.

Naḷāgiriṃ gaja-varaṃ atimattabhūtaṃ,                       Nlagiri,   the excellent elephant , when
Davaggi-cakkam-asanīva sudārumnantaṃ,              maddened, was very horrific, like a
Mett-ambuseka-vidhina jitavā munindo,                     forest fire, a flaming discus, a lightning
Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-mongalāni.                       Bolt. The Lord of Sage defeated him by
                                                                                                Sprinkling the water of good will:
                                                                                                By the power of this, may you have
                                                                                                Victory blessings.
Ukkhitta-khaggam-atihattha sudāruṇantaṃ,             Very horrific, with a sword upraised             
Dhāvan-ti-yojana-path’aṅguli-malavantaṃ,               in his expert hand, Garlanded- with-
Iddhibhisaṅkhata-mano jitavā munindo,                     Fingers ran three leagues along the path.
Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-mangalāni.                       The Lord of Sage defeated him with
                                                                                                Mind-fashioned marvels: By the power
                                                                                                Of this, may  you  have victory
Katvana kattham-udraṃ iva gabbhinīya,                    Having made a wooden belly to appear
Ciñcāya duttha-vacanaṃ jana-kāya-majjhe,             pregnant, Cinna made  a lewd accusation
Santena soma-vidhinā jitavā munindo,                       in the midst of the gathering. The Lord
Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-mangalāni.                       Of Sages defeated her with peaceful,
                                                                                                Gracious means: By the power of this,
                                                                                                May you  have victory blessings.
Saccaṃ vihāya mati-saccaka-vada-ketuṃ,              Saccaka, whose provocative views had
Vādābhiropita-manaṃ ati-andhabhūtaṃ,                    abandoned the truth, Delighting in
Paññā-padipa-jalito jitavā munindo,                             argument, had become thoroughly blind.
Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-mangalāni.                       The Lord of Sage defeated him with the                                                                                                      light of discernment: By the power of
                                                                                                This, may you have victory blessings.
Nandopadnanda-bhujagaṃ vibudhaṃ                         Nandopananda was a serpent with  great
Mahiddhiṃ,                                                                          power but wrong views. The Lord of
Puttena thera-bhujagena damāpayanto                      Sages defeated him by means of a
Iddhūpadesa-vidhinā jitavā munindo,                          display of marvels, sending his son
Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-mangalāni.                       (Moggallana), the serpent-elder, to tame
                                                                                                Him: By the power of this, may you have
                                                                                                Victory blessings.
Duggaha-ditthi-bhujagena sudattha-                            His hands bound tight by the serpent          
Hatthaṃ,                                                                              of wrongly held views, Baka, the
Brahmaṃ visuddhi-jitim-iddhi-                                       Brahma, thought himself pure in his
Bakābhidhānaṃ,                                                                radiance & power. The  Lord of Sages
Nanagadena vidhina jitava munindo,                           defeated him by means of his words of
Tan-tejasa bhavatu te jaya-mangalani.                       Knowledge: By the power of this, may
                                                                                                You have victory blessings.
Etāpi Buddha-jaya-mangala-attha-gāthā,   These eight verse of the Buddha’s
Yo vacano dinadine sarate matandi,                            victory blessings: Whatever person
Hitvan’aneka-vividdhāni c’upaddavāni,                       discernment recites or recalls them day
Mokkhaṃ sukhaṃ adhigameyya                  after day without lapsing, Destroying all
Naro sapañño.                                                                    Kinds of obstacles, Will attain
                                                                                                Emancipation & happiness.


