วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

5 โคตะมีสูตร : Gotami Sutta : The Discourse to Gotami

5 โคตะมีสูตร  : Gotami Sutta : The Discourse to Gotami

[Evam-me sutaṃ,]                                                            I have heard that at one time the Blessed
Ekaṃ samayaṃ Bhagavā,                                             One was staying at Vesali,
Vesaliyaṃ viharati,                                                           in the peaked Roof Hall   
Mahā-vane kūtāgārasālāyaṃ,                                       in the Great Forest.
Atha kho Mahāpajapati Gotamī,                                    Then Mahapajapati Gotami approached
Yena Bhagavā ten’upasaṅkami,                                   the Blessed One and, on approaching,
Upasankaṃitvā Bhagavantaṃ abhivadetavā            having bowed down to the Blessed One,
Ekam-antaṃ atthāsi.                                                        Stood to one side.
Ekam-antaṃ thitā khko Mahāpajapati                         As she was standing to one side, she said
Gotamī Bhagavantaṃ etad-avoca:                               to the Blessed One: “ It would be good,
“Sadhu me bhante Bhagavā saṅkhittena                    Venerable Sir, if the Blessed One would
Dhammaṃ desetu,                                                            teach me the Dhamma in brief such that,
Yaṃ-ahaṃ Bhagavato dhammaṃ sutavā, having heard Dhamma from the Blessed
Eka vūpakatthā appamattā ātāpini pāhitatta             One, I might dwell alone, secluded,
Vihareyyanti.                                                                       Uncomplacent, earnest, & resolute.”
“Ye kho tavaṃ Gotami dhamme janeyyāsi,               “Gotami, the qualities of which you may
Ime dhammā sarāgāya samvattanti no                       know, ‘ These qualities lead to passion,
Virāgāya.                                                                              Not to dispassion;
Saṃyogāya saṃvattanti no visaṃyogāya.                To being fettered, not to being unfettered
Ācayāya saṃvattanti no apacayāya.                          To self-aggrandizement, not  to self-
Mahicchatāya saṃvattanti no appicchatāya.            To overweaning ambition, not to
Asantuṭṭhiyā saṃvattanti no santuṭṭhiyā.                   To discontent, not to contenment,
Saṅgaṇikāya saṃvattanti no pavivekāya. To entanglement, not to seclusion.
Kosajjāya saṃvattanti no viriyārambhāya.                To laziness, not to activated persistence;
Dubbharatāya saṃvattanti no subharatāyāti             to being burdensome,  not to being
Ekaṃsena Gotami dhāreyyāsi,                                     You may definitely hold, ‘ This is
N’eso dhammo n’eso vinayo ‘etam                               not the Dhamma, this is not Vinaya,
Satthu-sāsananti.                                                              This is not the Teacher’s instruction,’
Ye ca kho tavaṃ Gotami dhamme janeyyāsi,           As for the qualities of which may know,
Ime dhammā virāgāya saṃvattanti no        ‘               These qualities lead to dispassion, not
Sarāgāya.                                                                            To passion;
Visaṃyogāya saṃvattanti no saṃyogāya.                To being unfettered, not to being
Apacayāya saṃvattanti no ācayāya.                          to self-effacement, not to self-
Appicchatāya samvattanti no                                        to modesty, not to overweaning 
Mahicchatāya.                                                                    Ambition;
Santuṭṭhiya saṃvattanti no asantuṭṭhiyā.                   to contentment, not to discontent;
Pavivekāya saṃvattanti no saṅgaṇikāya. To contentment, not to entanglement;
Viriyārambhāya saṃvattanti no kosajjāya.                To activated persistence, not to laziness;
Subharatāya saṃvattanti no dubbharatāyāti.            To being unburdensome, not to being
Ekaṃsena Gotami dhāreyyāsi,                                     You may definitely hold, ‘ This is the
Eso dhammo eso vinayo etaṃ                                      Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is
satthu-sāsananti                                                                the Teacher’s instruction.’
Idam-avoca Bhagavā.                                                      That is what the Blessed One said.
Attanmana Mahāpajāpati Gotamī Bhagavato            Glad at heart, Mahapajapati Gotami
Bhasitaṃ, abhinandīti.                                                     Delighted at this words.


