วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

4 พระปุคคลบัญญัติ : pugala-paññatti : Description of Individuals.

4 พระปุคคลบัญญัติ : pugala-paññatti : Description of  Individuals.

Cha paññattiyo:                                                                  The Six Conventions- viz :
Khandhapaññatti,                                                              The Convention of Corporal Aggrregate,
Āyatanapaññatti,                                                               The convention of Sense-organs,
Dhātupaññatti,                                                                    The Convention of Elements,
Saccapaññatti,                                                                   The Convention of Truths,
Indriyapaññatti,                                                                  The Convention of Faculties,
Puggalapaññatti,                                                                The Convention of Individuals,
Kittavatā puggalānaṃ puggalapaññatti?                     In what way is there a Convention of
Samayavimutto,                                                                                One who is emancipated in Season.
Asamayavimutto,                                                              One who is emancipated out of season.
Kuppadhammo,                                                                  one who perturble nature.
Akuppadhammo,                                                               One of imperturble nature.
Parihānadhammo,                                                             One liable to fall away.
Aparihānadhammo,                                                           one not liable to fall a way.
Cetanābhabbo,                                                                   one competent in will.
Anurakkhanābhabbo,                                                       one competent in Watchfulness.
Putthujjano,                                                                         An average man.
Gotrabhu,                                                                             one become of the family of Ariyas.
Bhayūparato,                                                                      One restrained  throught fear.
Abhayūparato,                                                                    One unrestrained throught fear.
Bhabbāgamano,                                                 One capable of arriving.
Abhabāgamano.                                                 One incapable of arriving.
Niyato,                                                                                  One with determined destiny.
Aniyato,                                                                                One with undetermined destiny.
Patipannako,                                                                       The Path-attainer.
Arahā,                                                                                   One who is an Arahant.
Arahattāya patipanno.                                                      One who is striving for realization of


