วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

8 วิปัสสนาภูมิปาฐะ : vipassanābhumipātha : Passages on the Stages of Insight.

วิปัสสนาภูมิปาฐะ  : vipassanābhumipātha : Passages on the Stages of Insight.

1 five aggregates.

Pancakkhandā:                                                  The Five Groups of Aggregates,
Rūpakkhando,                                                    The Groups of corporeality,
Vedanakkhando,                                                The Group of feeling.
Saññakkhando,                                                  The Group of perception,
Sankhārakkhando,                                            The Group of mental formations,
Viññānakkhando,                                               The Group of consciousness.

2. Twelve sense-fields.
Dvadasāyatanāni:                                             The Twelve sense-fields/sense-
Cakhvāyatanaṃ,                                               The sense-field/sense-sphere of
Rūpāyatanaṃ,                                                    The sense-field/sense-sphere of
                                                                                Visible object/form,
Sotāyatanaṃ,                                                     The sense-field/sense-sphere of ear.
Saddāyatanaṃ,                                                  The sense-field/sense-sphere of sound,
Ghānāyatanaṃ,                                                 The sense-field/sense-sphere of nose,
Gandhāyatanaṃ,                                               The sense-field/sense-sphere of smell/
Jivhāyatanaṃ,                                                    The sense-field/sense-sphere of tongue,
Rasāyatanaṃ,                                                    The sense-field/sense-sphere of taste,
Kāyāyatanaṃ,                                                    The sense-field/sense-sphere of body,
Photthabhāyatanaṃ,                                        The sense-field/sense-sphere of tangible
Manāyatanaṃ,                                                   The sense-field/sense-sphere of mind,
Dhammāyatanaṃ,                                             The sense-field/sense-sphere of

3. Eighteen Elements.
Atthārasa dhātuyo:                                            The Eighteen Elements,
Cakkhudhātu,                                                     Element of eye,
Rūpadhātu,                                                          Element of visible-data,
Cakkhuviññānadhātu,                                      Element of eye-consciousness,
Sotadhātu,                                                           Element of ear,
Saddhadhātu,                                                     Element of sound,
Sotaviññānadhātu,                                            Element of ear-consciousness,
Ghānadhātu,                                                       Element of nose,
Gandhadhātu,                                                     Element of adour,
Ghanaviññānadhātu,                                        Element of nose-consciousness,
Jivhādhātu,                                                          Element of tongue,
Rasādhātu,                                                          Element of flavour,
Jivhaviññānadhātu,                                           Element of ear-consciousness,
Kāyadhātu,                                                          Element of body,
Photthabbadhātu,                                              Element of tangible-data,
Kāyaviññānadhātu,                                           Element of body-consciousness,
Manodhātu,                                                         Element of mind,
Dhammadhātu,                                                   Element of mental-data,
Manoviññānadhātu,                                          Element of mind-consciousness,

4. Twenty-two Faculties.
Bāvīsatindriyāni,                                                The Twenty-two Faculties:
Cakkundriyaṃ,                                                   The faculty of eye,
Sotindriyaṃ,                                                        The Faculty of ear,
Ghanindriyaṃ,                                                    The Faculty of nose,
Jivhindriyaṃ,                                                      The faculty of tongue,
Kāyindriyaṃ,                                                       The faculty of body,
Manindriyaṃ,                                                      The faculty of mind,
Itthindriyaṃ,                                                        The faculty of femininity,
Purisindriyaṃ,                                                    The faculty of masculinity,
Jivitindriyaṃ,                                                      The faculty of life/vitality,
Sukkhindriyaṃ,                                                  The faculty of bodily-pleasure,
Dukkhindriyaṃ,                                                  The faculty of bodily-pain,
Somanassindriyaṃ,                                          The faculty of joy,
Domanassindriyaṃ,                                          The faculty of grief,
Upekkhindriyaṃ,                                                The faculty of indifference,
Saddhindriyaṃ,                                                  The faculty of faith,
Viriyindriyaṃ,                                                      The faculty of energy,
Satindriyaṃ,                                                        The faculty of mindfulness,
Samādhindriyaṃ,                                              The faculty of concentration,
Paññindriyaṃ,                                                    The faculty of wisdom,
Anaññātāññassamītindriyaṃ,                        The faculty of ‘I shall come to know
                                                                                The unknown’,
Aññindriyaṃ,                                                       The faculty of perfect knowledge,
Aññātāvindriyaṃ,                                              The faculty of perfect – knower,

5. The Four Noble Truths,

Cattāri ariyasaccāni,                                         The Four Noble Truths.
Dkkhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ,                                     The Truth of Suffering,
Dukkhasamudayo ariyasaccaṃ,                  The Truth of he Cause/Origin of
Dukkhanirodho ariyasaccaṃ,                        The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering,
Dukkhanirodhagāminī patipadā                     The Truth of the Path leading to
Ariyasaccaṃ,                                                     the cessation of Suffering,

6. The Dependent Origination. : The teaching in forward order:
Avijjāpaccayā Sankhārā,                                Dependent on Ignorance arise
Saṅkhārāpaccayā viññānaṃ,                        Dependent on Karma-Formation arise
Viññānapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ,                       Dependent on consciousness arise
                                                                                Mind and Matter,
Nāmarūpapaccayā Saḷāyatanaṃ,                Dependent on Mind and matter arise
                                                                                The six Sense Base,
Saḷāyatanapaccayā Phasso,                         Dependent on Six Sense Base arise
Phassapaccayā vedanā,                 Dependent on Contact arise Feeling,
Vedanāpaccaya tanhā,                                    Dependent on Feeling arise Craving,
Tanhāpaccayā upādānaṃ,                             Dependent on Craving arise Clinging,
Upādānapaccayā bhavo,                 Dependent on Clinging arise Becoming,
Bhavapaccayā jāti,                                           Dependent on Becoming arise Birth,
Jātipaccayā jarāmaranaṃ,                             Dependent on Birth arise Decay and
Sokaparideva                                                      There also arises sorrow,
Dukkhadomanassupāyāsā                             Death,   lamentation,
Sambhavanti,                                                     pain, grief and despair,

Evametassa kevalassa                                   Thus arises this whole mass
Dukkhakkhandhassa Samudayo hoti.         of suffering

7. Nirodho : The teaching in backward order:
Avijjāyatveva asesavirāganirodhā                Through the total fading away and
Saṅkhāranirodho,                                              cessation of Ignorance, cease Karma- Formations,
Saṅkhāranirohā viññānanirodho,   Through cessation of Karma-Formation
                                                                                Ignorance, cease Consciousness,
Viññānanirodhā nāmarūpanirodho,               Through cessation of Consciousness,
                                                                                Ceases Mind and Matter,
Nāmarūpanirodhā saḷāyatananirodho,         Through the cessation of Mind and
                                                                                Matter, ceases the Six Sense Base,
Saḷāyatananirodhā phassanirodho,              Through the cessation of Six Sense
                                                                                Base, ceases Contact,
Phassanirodhā vedanānirodho,                     Through the cessation of Contact ceases
Vedanānirodhā tanhānirodho,                        Through the cessation of Feeling ceases
Tanhānirodhā upādānanirodho,                     Through the cessation of Craving ceases
Upādānanirodhā bhavanirodho,                     Through the cessation of Clinging ceases
Bhavanirodhā jātinirodho,                                Through the cessation of Becoming
                                                                                Ceases Birth,
Jātinirodhā jarāmaranaṃ,                                Through the cessation of Birth, cease
                                                                                Decay and Death,
Sokaparideva                                                      Also cease sorrow,
dukkhadomanassupāyāsā                              lamentation, pain,
Nirujjhanti,                                                            grief and despair,

Evametassa kevalassa                                   thus comes about
dukkhakkhandhassa                                        the cessation of this
Nirodho hoti.                                                        Whole mass of suffering.


