วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

15 เขมาเขมะสะระณะทีปิกะคาถา Khemakhemasaranadipikagāthā : Verses on true & excellent refuge.

15 เขมาเขมะสะระณะทีปิกะคาถา
Khemakhemasaranadipikagāthā  : Verses on true & excellent refuge.
Handa mayaṃ khemakhemasaranadipikagathāyo bhanāma se.
Let us now chant verses on true & excellent refuge.

Bahuṃ ve saranaṃ yanti                               pabbatāni vanāni ca
ārāmarukkhacetyāni                                      manussā bhayatajjitā.

When danger threatens most people run away to sacred mountains
And forest, temples and shrines.

Netaṃ kho saranaṃ khemaṃ                                    netaṃ saranamuttamaṃ
Netaṃ saranamāgamma                                sabbadukkhā pamuccati.

Those are not happy refuges, they are not truly safe. In depending
On them there is no escape from suffering.

Yo ca buddhañca dhammanca                                   saṅghañca saraṇaṃ gato
Cattāri ariyasaccāni                                       sammappaññāya passati.

Those who go to refuge in Buddha-Dhamma-Sangha thrugh Right Widom
Realize the Four Noble Truths.

Dukkhaṃ dukkhasamuppādaṃ                                  dukkhassa ca atikhamaṃ
Ariyañcattaṃgikaṃ maggaṃ                         dukkhupasamagāminaṃ.

They see suffering, its rising, the escape therefrom, and the Noble
Eightfold Path to Perfect Peace.

Etaṃ kho saraṇaṃ khemaṃ                          etaṃ saraṇamuttamaṃ
Etaṃ saraṇamāgamma                                              sabbadukkhā pamuccati.

This refuge is truly excellent and secure. Wise realiance upon it releases
Us from all suffering.


