วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

12 สีลุทเทสปาโฐ : Sīluddesa-pāṭha

12 สีลุทเทสปาโฐ  :  Sīluddesa-pāṭha [go up]
[Bhāsitam-ida]                                                              This was said by the Blessed One,
tena Bhagavatā jānatā                                                     the One who Knows,
passatā arahatā                                                                 the One who Sees,
sammā-sambuddhena:                                                    the Worthy One Rightly Self-awakened:
"Sampanna-sīlā bhikkhave viharatha                          "Live consummate in virtue, monks,
sampanna-pāṭimokkhā.                                                   and consummate in the Patimokkha.
Pāṭimokkha-saṃvara-saṃvutā viharatha Live restrained with the restraint of the
ācāra-gocara-sampannā.                                                Patimokkha
 Aṇumattesu vajjesu bhaya-dassāvī                            consummate in your behavior
samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesūti."                       & sphere of activity Train yourselves,
having undertaken the training rules, seeing
danger in the slightest faults"
Tasmā tih'amhehi sikkhitabbaṃ:                  Therefore we shouldtrainourselves:
"Sampanna-sīlā viharissāma                                         "We will live consummate in virtue,
sampannapāṭimokkhā.                                                    consummate in the Patimokkha.
Pāṭimokkha-saṃvara-saṃvutā                                     We will live restrained  with
viharissāma ācāra-gocara-sampannā.                        the restraint of the  Patimokkha,consummate in our behavior & sphere of activity
Aṇumattesu vajjesu bhaya-dassāvī                             We will train ourselves, having undertaken
samādāya sikkhissāma sikkhāpadesūti."                  the training rules, seeing danger in the slightest faults."
Evañhi no sikkhitabbaṃ.                                                 That's how we should train ourselves.

 จบ ended.

