วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

10 เมตตานิสังสสูตร : metānisaṃsa sutta : Blessing of Universal love

10  เมตตานิสังสสูตร   : metānisaṃsa sutta : Blessing of Universal love
Evam me sutaṃ.                                                               Thus have I heard.
Ekaṃ samayaṃ Bhagavā,                                             Once the Blessed  One
Sāvatthiyaṃ viharati,                                                       was staying at Anathapindika’s monastery
Jetavane anathapiṇdikassa, ārāme.                            In Jeta’s Grove near SavatthI.
Tatra kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi                         There the Blessed One addressed the
Bhikkhavoti.                                                                        Monks, saying,” Monks,”
 Bhadanteti te bhikkhū                                                      “Most venerable Sir.” The monks
Bhagavato paccassosuṃ.                                              Replied to the Blessed One.
Bhagavā etadavoca.                                                         Then the Blessed One enunciated this:
Mettāya bhikkhave cetovimuttiyā                 “Monks, when universal love, which brings
Āsevitāya bhāvitāya bāhulīkatāya,                              about the freedom of mind, is ardently practiced, Developed, made a habit of,
Yānīkatāya Vatthukatāya Anuṭṭhitāya                         mastered, made the basic philosophy of
Paricitāya Susamāraddhāya,                                         one’s life, fully familiarized and unrelentingly
Ekādasānisaṃsā patikaṅkhā.                                       applied,Then these ten eleven blessings should be expected.
Katame ekadasa.                                                              What eleven?
1.       Sukkhaṃ supati.                                                One sleeps happily,
2.       Sukkhaṃ paṭibujjhati.                                       Wakes up happily,
3.       Na pāpakaṃ supinaṃ passati.                      Does not suffer bad dreams,
4.       Manussānaṃ piyo hoti.                                    Is dear to human beings,
5.       Amanussanaṃ piyo hoti.                 Is dear to non-human beings;
6.       Devatā rakkhanti.                                              The gods protect him,
7.       Nāssa aggi vā visaṃ vā                                   no fire nor poison or 
satthaṃ vā kamati.                                           Weapon harm him,
8.       Tuvataṃ cittaṃ samādhiyati,                        his mind becomes quickly concentrated,
9.       Mukkhavaṇṇo vipasīdati.                                His features are bright,
10.   Asmmuḷho kālaṃ karoti.                                  He dies unperturbed, and,
11.   Uttariṃ appativijjhanto                                     if he fails to attain to supramundane states,
Brahmalokūpago hoti.                                      He is certain to reach the state of the high divinity of the Brahmaloka.
Mettāya bhikkhave                                                            “Monks, when universal love, which brings
Cetovimuttiyā,                                                                    about the freedom of mind,
Asevitāya bhavitāya                                                         is ardently practiced, developed,
Bahulīkatāya                                                                       made a bahit,
Yānīkatāya                                                                          mastered
Vatthukatāya                                                                      made  the basic philosophy of one’s life,
Auṭṭhitaya                                                                            firmly established within,
Paricitāya susamaraddhāya,                                         fully familiarized and unrelentingly applied,
Ime ekādasanisaṃsā pāṭikaṅkhāti.                             Then these eleven blessings should be expected.
Idamavoca Bhagavā.                                                       Thus the Blessed One spoke.
Attamanā te bhikkhū                                                         Inspired, those monks greatly
Bhagavato bhasitaṃ                                                         rejoiced at
Abhinandunti.                                                                      The Blessed One’s.


