วันเสาร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559


ดอกไม้สวยสักปานใด ย่อมมีคราวเหี่ยวแห้งร่วงโรย ฉันใด กายเราทั้งหลาย ย่อมมีเวลาเหี่ยวแห้งตายไป ฉันนั้น

วันอังคารที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Pangyeu พระธาตุปางเยอ

Pangyeu is the most important jedi in Jinghong,Xishuangbanna, Yunnan,China
located on the mountain in the middle of the town

stone seat

stone seat at Aggarajedi vihara where is the place The Lord Buddha be here to teach 
The giant namely Aravaka outside Aravi kingdom. Now it is the place on the peak of 
the mountain nearbank of the lanchang river near Jinghong ,xishuangbanna, yunnan,china

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2558

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

Sixteen question in Buddhism

โสฬสปัญหาSixteen Questions.

       อชิตมาณพปัญหาที่ ๑

First Ajita’s question

โลกคือหมู่สัตว์ อันอะไรปิดบังไว้ จึงหลงอยู่ในที่มืด? เพราะอะไรเป็นเหตุ จึงไม่มีปัญญาเห็นปรากฏ? พระองค์ตรัสว่า อะไรเป็นเครื่องฉาบทาไล้สัตวโลกนั้นให้ติดอยู่? และตรัสสว่าอะไรเป็นภัยใหญ่ของสัตวโลกนั้น?

Ajita : By what is the world shrouded? Because of  what is it not illumined? With  what do you say it is smeared? What is it great fear?

พระศาสดาทรงพยากรณ์ว่า  โลกคือหมู่สัตว์อันอวิชฃาคือความไม่รู้แจ้ง ปิดบังไว้แล้ว  จึงหลงดุจอยู่ในที่มืด เพราะความอยากมีประการต่างๆ  และความประมาทเลินเล่อ  จึงไม่มีปัญญาเห็นปรากฏ เรากล่าวว่า  ความอยากเป็นเครื่องฉาบไล้สัตวโลกให้ติดอยู่ และกล่าวว่าทุกข์เป็นภัยใหญ่ของสัตวโลกนั้น

Lord Buddha : The world is shrouded by  unknowing.  Because of heedlessness it is not illumined. It is smeared by  longing and its  great fear is dukkha.

อ.   ขอพระองค์ตรัสบอกว่า อะไรเป็นเครื่องห้าม เป็นเครื่องกันความอยากอันเป็นดุจกระแสน้ำ หลั่งไหลไปตามอารมณ์ทั้งปวง  ความอยากนั้นจะละได้ เพราะธรรมอะไร?

Ajita:  The stream ( of craving) flow everywhere. What dams the streams, say what restrains the streams?  By what may the streams be closed off.

พ.   เรากล่าวว่า สติเป็นเครื่องห้าม เป็นเครื่องกันความอยากนั้น และความอยากนั้นจะละได้ เพราะปัญญา

Lord Buddha: Whatever streams there are in the world,  mindfulness is their dam,  that I call restrains the streams. By wisdom they are closed off.

อ.   ปัญญา สติ กับนามรูปนั้น จะดับ ณ ที่ไหน? ข้าพระเจ้าทูลถามแล้วขอพระองค์ตรัสบอกความข้อนี้แก่ข้าพระเจ้า

Ajita:  Even so, O Venerable One,it is just wisdom and mindfulness. Now mentality (mind) and materiality( body) ---asked about this by me, tell me where it is stopped?

พ.   เราจะแก้ปัญหาที่ท่านถามถึงที่ดับนามรูปสิ้นเชิง ไม่มีเหลือแก่ท่าน เพราะวิญญาณดับไปก่อน นามรูปจึงดับไป ณ ที่นั้นเอง

Lord Buddha: Having asked this question, Ajita, I shall explain to you. Where mentality and materiality stop completely, by the cessation of consciousness they are stopped.

อ.   ชนผู้มีธรรมได้พิจารณาเห็นแล้ว และชนผู้ยังต้องศึกษาอยู่  ๒ พวกนี้มีอยู่ในโลกเป็นอันมาก ข้าพระเจ้าขอทูลถามถึงความประพฤติของชน ๒ พวกนั้น พระองค์มีปัญญาแก่กล้า ขอจงตรัสบอกแก่ข้าพระเจ้า.

Ajita: Those who have discriminated the dhammas and those who are worldly men in training, tell me about their behaviour, O Venerable One, When( thus) asked ( by me).

พ.   ภิกษุผู้มีธรรมได้พิจารณาเห็นแล้ว และชนผู้ยังต้องศึกษาอยู่ ต้องเป็นคนไม่กำหนัดในกามทั้งหลาย  มีจิตไม่ขุ่นมัว ฉลาดในธรรมทั้งปวง มีสติอยู่ทุกอิริยาบถ.

Lord Buddha: Let the bhikkhu not be greedy for sensualities, let him be undisturbed in mind. Skilful in all dhammas he should go forth.

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558

18 อาราธนาธรรม : Requesting a Discourse.

18  อาราธนาธรรม : Requesting a Discourse.

Brahamā ca lokā dhipati sahampati             The Brahma Sahampati, Lord of the
Kat’anjalī andhavaraṃ ayācatha;                  world, with hands palm-to-palm before
Santīdha sattap parajakkha – jātikā.              His heart, requested a blessing: There
Desetu dhammaṃ anukampimaṃ, pajaṃ.   Are beings  here with only a little dust                                                                                           in their eyes. Please teach Dhamma out
                                                                           Of compassion for them.

17 คำอาราธนาพระปริตร : Requesting Blessing.

17  คำอาราธนาพระปริตร  : Requesting Blessing.
Vipatti-patibahāya,                                        For warding off misfortune,
Sabba-sampatti-siddhiyā,                            for the achievement of all good fortune.
Sabba-dukkha-vināsāya                              for the dispelling of all pain,
Parittaṃ brūtha maṅgalaṃ.                          May you chant a blessing & protection.
Vipatti-patbāhāya,                                         For warding off misfortune
Sabba-sampatti-siddhiyā,                             for the achievement of all good fortune
Sabba-bhaya-vināsaya,                                for the dispelling of all danger,
Parittaṃ būutha maṅgalaṃ.                         May you chant a blessing & protection.
Vipatti-patbāhāya,                                         For warding off misfortune
Sabba-sampatti-siddhiyā,                             for the achievement of all good fortune
Sabba-roga-vināsāya,                                   for the dispelling of all illness,
Parittaṃ brūtha maṅgalaṃ.                          May you chant a blessing & protection.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558

16 คำอาราธนาศีลอุโบสถ : Asking for the Uposatha Sīla

16  คำอาราธนาศีลอุโบสถ  : Asking for the Uposatha Sīla

Mayaṃ bhante tisaranena saha                              O venerable Sire, we ask for you the
aṭṭhaṅgasamanāgataṃ, uposathaṃ yacāma.        Eight Precepts with the Triple Gem to be our guide.
Dutiyampi mayaṃ bhante tisaranena saha            O venerable Sir,a second time, we
Aṭṭhaṅgasamanagataṃ uposathaṃ yacāma.         ask For you the Eight Precepts with
                                                                                      the Triple Gem to be our guide.
Tatiyampi mayaṃ bhante tisaranena saha             O venerable Sir, a third time
                                                                                                     we ask for
Aṭṭhaṅgasamanāgataṃ uposathaṅ yacāma.          You the Eight Precepts with the Triple Gem to be our 

taking the Eight Precepts

15  รับศีล ๘ : taking the Eight Precepts
The requesting words:

Mayaṃ bhante, ti-saranena saha                Venerable Sir, we request the Three 
attha sīlani yācāma.                                      Refuge & the Eight Precepts.
Dutiyampi mayaṃ bhante,                            Venerable Sir, a second time, we request
Ti-saranena saha attha sīlani yācāma.       The Three Refuge & the Eight Precepts.
Tatiyampi mayaṃ bhante,                             Venerable Sir, a third time, we request
Ti-saranena saha attha sīlāni yācāma.        The Three Refuge & the Eight Precepts.

Monk then recites the following passage three times, after which the lay people repeat
It three times:

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato                    Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy
Sammā-sambuddhassa.                                One, the Rightly Self-awakened One.

The monk then recites the following passages line by line, with the lay people reciting
Line by line after him.

Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.                        I go  to the Buddha for refuge.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.                      I go to the Dhamma for refuge.
Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.                        I go to the Sangha for refuge.
Dutiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.     A second time, I go to the Buddha for
Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.  A second time, I go to the Dhamma for
Dutiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.     A second time, I go to the Sangha for
Tatiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.     A third time, I go to the Buddha for
Tatiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.   A third time, I go to the Dhamma for
Taiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.      A third time, I go to the Sangha for

Then monk then says:

Ti-sarana-gamaṇaṃ nitthitaṃ.                      This ends the going for refuge.

The lay people respond:

Āma bhante.                                                   Yes, Venerable Sir.

The monk then recites the precepts line by line, with the lay people reciting them line by line after him.

1.Pānātipātā veramanī sikkhā-padaṃ        I undertake the training rule to refrain
Samādiyāmi.                                                  From Taking life.
2. Adinnādānā veramani sikkhā-padaṃ     I undertake the training rule to refrain
Samādiyāmi.                                                  From stealing.
3. Abrahma-cariyā veramani sikkhā-padaṃ I undertake the training rule to refrain
Samādiyāmi.                                                  From sexual intercourse.
4. Musāvādā veramani sikkhā-padaṃ        I undertake the training rule to refrain
Samādiyāmi.                                                  From telling lies.
5. Surā-meraya-majja-pamādatthānā         I undertake the training rule to refrain
Veramanī sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.        From intoxicating liquor & drugs that
                                                                         Lead to carelessness.
6. Vikāla-bhojanā veramanī sikkhā-padaṃ  I undertake the training rule to refrain
Samādiyāmi.                                                   From eating after noon & before dawn.
7. Nacca-gīta-vādita-visūka-dassanā          I undertake the training rule to refrain
Malā-gandha-vilepana-dhārana-dandana- from dancing, singing, music, watching
Vibhūsanatthāna veramani sikkhā-padaṃ  shows, wearing garlands, beautifying
Samādiyāmi.                                                   Myself with perfumes & cosmetics.
8. Uccāsayana-mahāsayanā veramanī       I undertake the training rule to refrain
Sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.                          From high & luxurious seats & beds.

Imāni attha sikkhā-padāni samādiyāmi.      I undertake these eight precepts.
Imāni attha sikkhā-padāni samādiyāmi.      I undertake these eight precepts.
Imāni attha sikkhā-padāni samādiyāmi.      I undertake these eight precepts.

Bow down three times

22 คำอปโลกน์สังฆทาน : Declaration for a Gift to the Bhikkhu Sangha: (to be made by one of the monks.) 1 Repeat. Namo………three times. 2. Declaration words: Yagghe bhante saṅgho janeyya; May the Sangha please pay attention: Ayaṃ patthaṃ-bhago therassa papunāti.The first [of this gift] goes to the senior Avasesa bhāga amhākaṃ pāpunantu. Monk. May the remaining shares be Bhikkhū ca (samanerā ca gahatthā ca) ours. May the monks, ( the novices,& Yathā-sukhaṃ paribhunjantu. The lay people) [living here] use these things as they please.

22  คำอปโลกน์สังฆทาน :
Declaration for a Gift to the Bhikkhu Sangha:
(to be made by one of the monks.)
1  Repeat. Namo………three times.
2. Declaration words:
Yagghe bhante saṅgho janeyya;               May the Sangha please
                                                                     pay attention:
Ayaṃ patthaṃ-bhago therassa papunāti.The first [of this gift] goes to
                                                                     the senior
Avasesa bhāga amhākaṃ pāpunantu.     Monk. May
                                                                    the remaining shares be
Bhikkhū ca (samanerā ca gahatthā ca)   ours. May the monks,
                                                                    ( the novices,&
Yathā-sukhaṃ paribhunjantu.                  The lay people) [living here]
                                                                    use these things as
                                                                    they please.

21 คำถวายสังฆทาน : General Sangha Dana:

21  คำถวายสังฆทาน :
General Sangha Dana:
Imāni mayaṃ bhante,           May we, O Venerable                                                    monks,
Bhattāni saparivārāni,          offer these food with other
Bhikkhusaṅghassa,              requisites to the Saṅgha
Onojayāma,                            (communities of Monks).
Sādhu no bhante,                  So, the Venerable sir, please
Bhikkhusaṅgho,                     accept these food
Imāni bhattāni saparivārāni, and the other requisites
Patigganhātu,                         of ours,
Amhākaṃ,                               for the benefit,
Digharattaṃ,                           happiness and prosperity
Hitāya,                             restore to us
Sukhāya.                                 In the next lives.

the meditation method.

47 หลักการภาวนา  the meditation method.
Meditation :   Breath Meditation: Seven Steps

There are seven basic steps:
1. Start out with three or seven long in-&-out breaths, thinking bud- with the in-breath, and dho with the out. Keep the meditation syllable as long as the breath.
2. Be clearly aware of each in-&-out breath.
3. Observe the breath as it goes in & out, noticing whether it's comfortable or uncomfortable, broad or narrow, obstructed or free-flowing, fast or slow, short or long, warm or cool. If the breath doesn't feel comfortable, change it until it does. For instance, if breathing in long & out long is uncomfortable, try breathing in short & out short. As soon as you find that your breathing feels comfortable, let this comfortable breath sensation spread to the different parts of the body.
To begin with, inhale the breath sensation at the base of the skull and let it flow all the way down the spine. Then, if you are male, let it spread down your right leg to the sole of your foot, to the ends of your toes, and out into the air. Inhale the breath sensation at the base of the skull again and let it spread down your spine, down your left leg to the ends of your toes, and out into the air. (If you are female, begin with the left side first, because the male & female nervous systems are different.)
Then let the breath from the base of the skull spread down over both shoulders, past your elbows & wrists, to the tips of your fingers, and out into the air.
Let the breath at the base of the throat spread down the central nerve at the front of the body, past the lungs & liver, all the way down to the bladder & colon.
Inhale the breath right at the middle of the chest and let it go all the way down to your intestines.
Let all these breath sensations spread so that they connect & flow together, and you'll feel a greatly improved sense of well-being.
4. Learn four ways of adjusting the breath:
a. in long & out long,
b. in long & out short,
c. in short & out long,
d. in short & out short.
Breathe whichever way is most comfortable for you. Or, better yet, learn to breathe comfortably all four ways, because your physical condition & your breath are always changing.
5. Become acquainted with the bases or focal points for the mind — the resting spots of the breath — and center your awareness on whichever one seems most comfortable. A few of these bases are:
a. the tip of the nose,
b. the middle of the head,
c. the palate,
d. the base of the throat,
e. the breastbone (the tip of the sternum),
f. the navel (or a point just above it).
If you suffer from frequent headaches or nervous problems, don't focus on any spot above the base of the throat. And don't try to force the breath or put yourself into a trance. Breathe freely & naturally. Let the mind be at ease with the breath — but not to the point where it slips away.
6. Spread your awareness — your sense of conscious feeling — throughout the entire body.
7. Unite the breath sensations throughout the body, letting them flow together comfortably, keeping your awareness as broad as possible. Once you are fully aware of the aspects of the breath you already know in your body, you'll come to know all sorts of other aspects as well. The breath, by its nature, has many facets: breath sensations flowing in the nerves, those flowing around & about the nerves, those spreading from the nerves to every pore. Beneficial breath sensations & harmful ones are mixed together by their very nature.
To summarize: (a) for the sake of improving the energy already existing in every part of your body, so that you can contend with such things as disease & pain; and (b) for the sake of clarifying the knowledge already within you, so that it can become a basis for the skills leading to release & purity of heart — you should always bear these seven steps in mind, because they are absolutely basic to every aspect of breath meditation.
— Phra Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo

religion and not religion2

religion and not religion