วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

16 ธัมมะคาระวะตาทิคาถา : Dhammagāravatādighāthā : paying respect to Dhamma

16 ธัมมะคาระวะตาทิคาถา  :   Dhammagāravatādighāthā :  paying respect to Dhamma

Handa mayaṃ dhammagaravatādigāthāyo bhanama se.
Let us now chant paying respect to Dhamma.

Ye ca atitā Sambuddhā                                              ye ca Buddhā anāgatā
Yo cetarahi Sambuddho                                             bahunnaṃ lokanāsano.

The Perfect Buddhas who has passed, the Perfect Buddhas yet to come,
The Perfect Buddhas who is now, they who have many parished woes.

Sabbe saddhammagaruno                             vihariṃsu vihāti ca,
Athāpi viharissanti                                         esā Buddhānadhammatā.

All Buddhas in the past, at present and in future, honour Dhamma;
This is their way.

Tassamā hi attakāmena                                            mahāttamabhikaṃkhatā,
Saddhammo garukātabbo                              saraṃ Buddhānasāsanaṃ.

So for whom the self is clear, who longs for the great self, should respect
And confident in the Dhamma, remembering the Buddha’s teaching.

Na hi dhammo adhammo ca                           ubho samavipākino,

Righteousness and uneighteousness, cannot have the same outcome.

Adhammo nirayaṃ neti                                              dhammo pāpeti sugatiṃ.

Unrighteousness leads to hell, righteousness leads to happy states.

Dhammo have rakkkati dhammacāriṃ,

Those who practice righteousness ( virtues) are always protected by

Dhammo suciṇṇo sukhamāvahāti,

Righteousness that is well practiced always beings about happiness.

Esanisaṅso dhamme suciṇṇe           

This is the benefits of the righteousness which is well practiced.

Na duggatiṃ gacchati dhammacārī

One who lives by the Dhamma doesn’t go to the bad desetination.

Na pupphagando pativātam eti,

The scent of flowers does not go agains the wind.

Na candanaṃ tagaramallika va,.

Nor sandal, tagara ( incense), or jasmine,

Satañca gandho pativatam eti,

The scent of true ones goes against the wind,

Sabba disa sappuriso pavāyati.

The true person pervades in all directions.

Candanaṃ tagaraṃ vāpi                                            uppalaṃ atha vassikī
Etesaṃ gandajātānaṃ                                                           sīlagandho anuttaro.

Sandalwood, tagara, lotus and jasmine, Above all these kinds of fragrance, the scent of a virtue, is by far the best.

Appamatto ayaṃ gandho                                           yavāyaṃ tagaracantani
Yo ca sīlavataṃ gandho                                                        vāti devesu uttamo.

Very faint is the scent of tagara and sandal.Highest is the scent of a virtuous one; it blows even amongst the gods.

Tesaṃ sampannasīlānaṃ                                          appamādaviharinaṃ
Sammataññā vimuttānaṃ                                          māro maggaṃ na vindati.

Those indowed with virtue, living in consciousness.Freed by right knowledge, Mara( death ) knows not their path.

Yathā saṅkāradharasmiṃ                                          ujjhitasmiṃ mahāpathe,
Padumaṃ tattha jayetha                                            sucigandhaṃ manoramaṃ.

Just as in a rubbish heap thrown out by the great road Can grow a lotus, of pure smell and pleasing to the eye ( mind) .

Evaṃ saṅkarabhūtesu                                                           andhabhūte puthujjane,
Atirocati paññāya                                                       sammāsambuddhasāvakoti.

Thus, amidst the rubblish-like beings, amongst ignorant ordinary people
Shining with magnificent wisdom can be the disciple of the truly and completely Awakened One.


