วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

11 โอวาทะปาฏิโมกขะคาถา : Ovadapatimkkhagatha :

 11   โอวาทะปาฏิโมกขะคาถา   :  Ovadapatimkkhagatha :

Handa mayaṃ Ovādapatimokkhagāthāyo bhanāma se.
Let us now chant ovadapatimakkhagatha.

Sabbapapassa akaranaṃ,                                              Never doing the least evil.
Kusalassūpasampadā,                                                    In virtue always ready.
Sacittapariyadapanaṃ,                                                    Purifying one’s own mind.
Etaṃ Buddhānasāsanaṃ,                                              These three are the teaching of
                                                                                                Awakened Ones.
Khanti paramaṃ tapo titikkhā,                                       Patient endurance burns up defilements
Nibbānaṃ paramaṃ vadanti Buddhā,                          All Enlighten Ones say Nibbana is the
Na hi pabbhajito parūpaghātī,                                         those who destroy life are not the ascetic.
Samano hoti paraṃ vehethayanto,                               those who oppress others are not recluse,
Sabbapapassa akaraṇaṃ                                               The non-doing of all evil,
Kusalasūpasampadā                                                        the performance of what is skillful,
Sacittapariyodapanaṃ                                                     the cleansing of one’s own mind:
Etaṃ buddhānasāsanaṃ.                                               This is the Buddhās’ teaching.

Anūpavādo  anūpaghāto,                                 not speaking evil, not doing harm,
Patimokkhe ca saṃvaro,                                                restrain within the Training Discipline,
Mattaññutā ca bhattassamiṃ,                                       knowing moderation in taking food,
Pantañca sayanāsanaṃ,                                                sleeping and sitting in secluded places,
Adhicitte ca āyogo,                                                           devoted in training for higher mentality,
Etaṃ Buddhānasāsanaṃ,                                              These six are the Teaching of
                                                                                                The Awakened Ones.


