วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

9 อัฏฐังคิกะมัคคะคาถา : Atthaṅgikamaggagāthā : The Noble Eightfold Path.

อัฏฐังคิกะมัคคะคาถา    :   Atthaṅgikamaggagāthā  : The Noble Eightfold Path.

Handa mayaṃ Ariyatthaṃgikamaggapathaṃ bhanāma se.
Let us now chant the Noble Eightfold Path.

Ayameva ariyo atthaṃgiko maggo,                              This is very Noble Eightfold Path.
Seyyathidaṃ?                                                                    Namely,
Sammādiṭthi,                                                                      Right understanding,
Sammāsaṅkappo,                                                             Right Thought,
Sammāvācā,                                                                      Right Speech,
Sammākammanto,                                                           Right action,
Sammāajīvo,                                                                       Right Livelihood,
Sammāvāyāmo,                                                                Right Effort,
Sammāsati,                                                                         Right Mindfulness,
Sammāsamādhi,                                                               Right Meditative Concentration,\.l

1 Right understanding.
Katamā ca bhikkhave sammādiṭthi?                            And, monks, what is the Right
Yaṃ kho bhikkhave,                                                         Monks, it is the insight into (universality
                                                                                                of) suffering,
dukkhasamudaye ñānaṃ,                                               insight into the cause of suffering,
dukkhanirodhe ñānaṃ,                                                     insight into the Cessation of suffering,
dukkhanirodhagāminiyā patipadāya                             insight into the path leading to the 
ñānaṃ,                                                                                  Cessation of Suffering.
Ayaṃ cuccati bhikkhave sammādiṭthi.                       This, monks, is called Right

2. Right Thought
Katamo ca bhkkhave sammāsankappo,                    And, monks, what is Right Thought?
Nekkhammasaṅkappo,                                                    The thought free from sensuality,
Abayāpādasaṅkappo,                                                      thought free from ill-will,
Avihiṃsāsaṃkappo,                                                         thought free from cruelty:
Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave sammāsaṅkappo.              This, monks, is called Right Thought.

3. Right Speech.
Katamā ca bhikkhave sammāvācā?                            And, Monks, what is Right Speech?
Musāvādā veramanī,                                                        Abstaining from lying,
Pisunāya vācāya veramanī,                                           from slandering,
Pharusaya vācāya veramanī,                                        from abusing,
Samphappalāpa veramanī,                                             from gossiping,
Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave sammāvācā,                       This, Monks, is called Right speech.

4. Right action,
Katamo ca bhikkhave sammākammanto? And, monks, what is Right action?
Pānātipātā veramanī,                                                       Abstaining from killing,
Adinnādānā veramanī,                                                     Abstaining from stealing,
Kāmesu miccācārā veramanī,                                       Abstaining from sexual misconduct:
Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave sammākammanto.            This, monks, is called Right Action.

5. Right Livelihood
Katamo ca bhikkhave sammāājīvo?                            And, monks, what is Right Livelihood?
Idha bhkkhave ariyasāvako,                                          herein, monks, a noble disciple,
Micchā-ajīvaṃ pahāya,                                                    having abandoned wrong livelihood,
Sammā ajīvena jīvikaṃ kappeti,                                   out his livelihood by right way of living:
Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkave sammā ājīvo.                         This,monks, is called Right Livelihood.

6. Right Effort
Katamo ca bhikkave sammāvāyāmo?                        And, monks, what is Right Effort?
Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu,                                                  Herein, monks, a monk.
Anuppannānaṃ pāpakanaṃ,                                         applies his will for the non-arising of
Akusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ,                                             unwholesome states which has not yet
Anuppādāya,                                                                       arisen.
Chandaṃ janeti, vāyamati,                                             he puts forth effort,
Viriyaṃ ārabhati,                                                                stirs up his energy,
Cittaṃ pagganhāti padahati;                                           bends his mind to it and strives:
Uppannānaṃ pāpakānaṃ,                                              he applies his will to maintain the
Akusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ,                                             overcoming of wrong, unwholesomes
Pahānāya, chandaṃ janeti,                                            states which have already arisen,
Vāyamati, viriyaṃ ārabhati,                                            he puts forth effort, stirs up his energy,
Cittaṃ pakkanhāti, padahati;                                         bends his mind to it and strives:
Anuppannānaṃ kusalānaṃ,                                           he applies his will for the arising of
Dhammānaṃ uppādāya,                                 wholesome states which have already
Chandaṃ janeti, vāyamati,                                             arisen and not neglecting them, but for
Viriyaṃ ārabhati, cittaṃ                                                   bringing about the fulfillment  of the
Pagganhāti, padahati;                                                      growth, maturity and perfection of this
Uppannānaṃ kusalānaṃ,                                               he applies his will for maintaining the
Dhammānaṃ thitiyā,                                                        wholesome states which have already
Asammosāya, bhiyyobhāvāya,                                     arisen and not neglecting them, but for
Vepullāya, bhāvanāya paripūriyā,                 brining about  the fulfillment  of the
                                                                                                Growth, maturity and perfection of this
Chandaṃ janeti, vāyamati,                                             he puts forth effort, stirs up his energy,
Viriyaṃ ārabhati,                                                                bends his mind to it and strives:
Cittaṃ pagganhāti, padahati:                                         he applies his will for maintaining the
                                                                                Wholesomes  states.
Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave, sammāvāyāmo.                This, monks, is called Right Effort.

7.Right Mindfulness
Katama ca bhikkave sammāsati?                                And, monks, what is Right Mindfulness?
Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu,                                                  Herein, monks, a monk lives practicing
Kāye kāyānupassī viharati,                                            body-contemplating in the body.

ātāpī sampajāno satima,                                 (remaining) ardent, clearly
Vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ,                            comprehending, and mindful, having
                                                                                                Outgrown covetousness for and 
                                                                                                Anguish about the world;
Vedanāsu vedanānupassī viharati,                              he lives practicing feeling-contemplation
                                                                                                In feeling.
ātāpī sampajāno satima,                                 ardent, clearly comprehending and
Vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ,                            mindful having outgrown covetousness
                                                                                                For and anguish about the world;
Citte cittanupassi viharati,                                              He lives practicing mind-contemplation
                                                                                                In mind.
ātāpi sampajāno satima,                                 ardent, clearly comprehending and
Vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ,                            mindful, having outgrown covetousness
                                                                                                For and anguish about the world;
Dhammesu dhammanupassī viharati,                         he lives practicing mental-object-
                                                                                                Contemplating in mental-objects,
ātāpī sampajāno satimā,                                 ardent, clearly comprehending and
Vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ,                            mindful, having outgrown covetousness
                                                                                                For and anguish about the world.
Ayam vuccati bhikkhave sammāsati,                         This,monks, is called Right Mindfulness.

8. Right Concentrative Meditation:
Katamo ca bhikkhave sammāsamādhi?                     And,monks,what is called Right
                                                                                                Meditative Concentration?
Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu,                                                  Herein, monks, a monk
Vivicca kamehi vivicca,                                                   being detached sensual objects   
Akusalehi dhammaehi,                                                    and detached from unwholesome
Savitakkaṃ svicāraṃ,                                                     things, enters into the first stage
Vivekajampitisukhaṃ pathamaṃ,                                of ecstatic absorption which is born
Jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati,                                       of detachment and  accompanied by
                                                                                                Initial and sustained thoughts and
                                                                                                Imbued with rapture and joy.
Vitakavicārānaṃ vūpasamā,                                         Upon the subsiding of both initial  
Ajjhataṃ sampasādanaṃ  cetaso,                               and sustained thoughts, having gained
Ekodibhāvam avitakkaṃ avicāraṃ,                             inner tranquility  and the unification of
Samādhijampītisukkhaṃ dutiyaṃ jhānaṃ mind he enters into the second stage of
Upasampajja viharati,                                                       ecstatic  absorption, which is free from
                                                                                                Initial and sustained thoughts and is born
                                                                                                Of ecstatic concentration and imbued
                                                                                                With rapture and joy.
Pitiyā  ca virāgā,                                                                on fading away of rapture,
Upekkhako ca viharati sato ca sampajāno,               he now dwells in equanimity, fully
                                                                                                Mindful and clearly comprehending,
Sukhanca kāyena patisaṃvedeti                                  and he experiences in his body that
Yantaṃ ariyā acikkhanti,                                 bliss ‘Happy, indeed, is he who dwells
Upekkhako satimā sukhavihārīti,                                  in equanimity and mindful.
Tatiyaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati,                        and thus enters into third stage of ecstatic
Sukkhassa ca pahānā,                                                    after abandoning both pleasure and
Dukkhassa ca pahānā,                                                    pain,
Pubbeva somanassadomanassānaṃ                         and through the disappearance of both
Atthaṃgamā,                                                                      joy and anguish,
Adukkhamasukhaṃ upekkhā                                        he now enters into the fourth stage of
Satiparisuddhiṃ,                                                                ecstatic absorption, a state which is
Catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati:                   beyond pleasure and pain, and purified
                                                                                                by equanimity and mindfulness:
Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave Sammāsamādhi.               This, monks, is called Right Meditative


