วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

9-1 นิธิกัณฑสูตร : Nidhikanda suttam : Dicourse on the Treasure Trove.

9-1 นิธิกัณฑสูตร   :  Nidhikanda suttam  :  Dicourse on the Treasure Trove.

1.Nidhiṃ nidheti puriso,                                   A man stores away a treasure,
Gambhīre adkantike;                                        Under the ground or near water,
At the kicce sammuppanne,                           thinking: when the need arises,
Atthāya me bhavissati.                                    It will be useful to me.
2. Rājato vā duruttassa,                                   Being accused by the king,
Corato pijitassa vā,                                           being blackmailed by robbers,      
Inassa vā pamokkhāya,                                  To deem oneself from a debt,
Dubbhikkhe apadāsu vā;                 If there be a famine,
Etadatthāya lokasiṃ,                                       isfortune were to befall,
Nidhi nāma nidhiyate.                                       It is so meet these in this world,
                                                                                A treasure is  stored away.
3. Tāvasunihito santo,                                      Though so well stored away,
Gambhīre adakatike,                                        Under the ground, or near water,
Na sabbo sabbadā eva,                                   Yet not fall this might,
Tassa taṃ upakappati.                                    Suffice to serve him always.
4. Nidhi vā ṭhānā cavāti,                                  The treasure may disappear from its
Saññā vassa vimuyhati,                                  place, the owner may forget the mark
Naga va apanamenti,                                        of the spot, the Nagas ( serpents) may
Yakkhā vā  pi harantinaṃ.                               Spirit away, or the Yakkhas (demons)
                                                                                May carry it off.
5. Appiyā vā pi dāyādā,                                    His heirs may become hostile,
Uddharanti apassato,                                       Or in his absence, dig it up,
Yadā puññākkhayo hoti,                                  Or when his merit is exhausted,
Sabbaṃetaṃ vinassati.                                   All this may utterly be lost.
6. Yassa dānena sīlena,                                  But by generous giving and moral
Saṃyamena damena ca,                                precept, By restraint and self-mastery,
Nidhi sunihito hoti,                                             A treasure is well stored up.
Itthiyā purisassa vā.                                         For woman or man.
7. Cetiyamhi vā Saṅhge vā,                            In a shrine or in the Holy Order,
Puggale atithisu vā,                                          In an individual or in guests,
Mātari pitari vā pi,                                              Or in one’s mother and father,
Atho jeṭṭhamhi bhātari.                                     Or in an elder brother.
8. Eso nidhi sunihito,                                        When treasure is well stored up,
Ajeyyo anugāmiko,                                           It is impregnable, one that goes with one,
Pahāya gamanīyesu,                                        When one leaves behind  al changeable
Etaṃ ādāya gacchati.                                      Things, Indeed one departs with this
                                                                                Possession alone.
9. Asādharanam aññesaṃ,                             A share of treasure, which none can
Acorāharano nidhi;                                            claim, Nor which the robbers can ever
Kayirātha dhīro puññāni,                  steal, So, let the wise accumulate merits,
Yo nidhi anugāmiko.                                         A treasure which alone accompanies
10. Esa devamanussānaṃm,                        To both divine and human beings,
Sabbakāmadado nidhi,                                    This is a treasure that fulfills all one’s
Yaṃ yadeva abhipatthenti,                             wishes. Indeed, whatsoever they do
Sabbametena labbhati;                                    desire, All are gained only by this.
11. Suvaṇṇatā susaratā,                 Beauty of complexion, sweetness of
Susaṇthānā surūpatā,                                      voice, Beauty of figure and of looks,
Ādhipacca parivāro,                                          Power of authority and of following,
Sabbametena labbhati.                                    All are gained only by this.
12. Padesarajjaṃ issariyaṃ,                          Rulership of a province, or sovereignty
Cakkavatti sukhaṃ piyaṃ,                             of the land, The happiness of a
Devarajjampi dibbesu,                                      universal monarch, Even sovereignty
Sabbametena labbhati.                                    In divine realms, All are gained only
                                                                                By this.
13. Mānussikā ca sampatti,                           Whatever wealth there be in the human
Devaloke ca yā rati,                                          world, Whatever delight there be in the
Yā ca nibbānasampatti,                                   heavenly realm, Whatever transcendental
Sabbametena labbhati.                                    Attainments there be, All are gained
                                                                                By this.
14. Mittāsaṃpadaṃ āgamma,                       By association with good friends,
Yonisova payuñjato;                                         By  energetic effort the mastery one
Vijjā vimutti vasībhāvo,                                    gains, Of transcendental knowledge and
Sabbaṃetena labbhati.                                    Deliverance, All are gained only by this.
15. Patisambhidā vimokkhā ca,                    Higher analytical wisdom and freedom
Yā ca sāvakapāramī;                                        mind, Fulfillment of the perfections of
Paccekabodhi Buddhabhūmi,                        the Enlightened Disciple. The
Sabbametena labbhati.                                    Enlightenment of a Supreme Buddha.
                                                                                All are gained by this.
16. Evaṃ mahatthikā esā,                              Because it is a great boon,
Yadidaṃ puṭṭasampadā;                 Such as the possession of merit,
Tasmā dhīrā pasaṃsanti,                                Therefore, the wise and the learned,
Paṇditā katapuññatan’ti.                                  Ever extol the accumulation of merit.


