วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

8 ติโรกุฑฑะสูตร : Tirokudda Suttam : Discourse on Outside-the –walls.

8 ติโรกุฑฑะสูตร  :   Tirokudda Suttam  : Discourse on Outside-the –walls.

1.   Tirokuḍḍesu tiṭṭhanti,                                 Outside the walls, at street junctions,
Sandhi saṅghātakesu ca,                                                And road-forks,they stand wailing;
Dvārabāhāsu tiṭṭhanti,                                                      Returning to their former homes,
Āgantvāna sakaṃ gharaṃ.                                             Anxiously. They wait at the entrance
2.Pahute annapānamhi,                                                   Though an abundant feast is set out,
Khajjabhojje upaṭṭhite,                                                      With food, drink and victuals of every
Na tesaṃ koci sarati,                                                        kind, Yet no one recalls these beings,
Sattānaṃ kammapaccayā.                                            As the result of their past actions.
3. Evaṃ dadanti ñātīnaṃ,                                               But there are benevolent relative.
Ye honti anukampakā,                                                     Who offer pure and delicious,
Suciṃ paṇītaṃ kālena,                                                    Befitting and timely, foods and drinks,
Kappiyaṃ pānabhojanaṃ;                                              Earmest;u wosjomg.”May this offering
Idaṃ vo ñātīnaṃ hotu,                                                      be for the departed relatives, so that they
Sukhitā hontu ñātayo.”                                                     May be happy.”
4. Te ca tattha samāgantvā,                                           Having foregathered, these departed
Ñātipetā samāgatā,                                                           ones, Now assemble therein to partake of
Pahūte annapānaṃhi,                                                      the abundant offering of food and drink
Sakkaccaṃ anumodare.                                                 With joyous gratitude.
5. Ciraṃ jīvantu no ñātī,                                                   Then they earnestly wish: “May our
Yesaṃ hetu labhāmase;                                                  relatives Be ever happy. We have now
Amhākañca katā pūjā,                                                     received the benefits of this offering, and
Dāyakā ca anipphalā.”                                                      Our due homage, may our benebevolent
                                                                                                Givers never be rewardless.”
6. Na hi tattha kasi atthi,                                                  In the realm of the departed ones,
Gorakkettha na vijjati,                                                      No such thing exists as agriculture,
Vaṇijja tādisī natthi,                                                           Cattle-breeding, and commerce-
Hiraññena kayokkayaṃ;                                                  buying and selling in exchange of
Ito dinneṇa yāpenti,                                                           money. The departed ones sustain
Petā kālaṅkatā tahiṃ.                                                      Themselves there with the share of merit
                                                                                                Made over to them here.
7. Unname udakaṃ vuṭṭhaṃ,                                         Just as the rain water falling on higher
Yathā ninnaṃ pavattati,                                                   grounds flows down to lower areas, so
Evameva ito dinnaṃ,                                                        the share of merit Given here, accrues to
Petānaṃ upakappati.                                                       Departed ones there.
8. Yathā vārivaha pūrā,                                                    Just as, the water of clouds fills the
Paripūrenti sāgaraṃ,                                                        ocean so, the share of merit made over
Evameva ito dinmaṃ,                                                      here, accrues to
Petānaṃ upakappati.                                                       the departed  ones there.
9. Adāsi me, akāsi me,                                                    “He had given me gifts, he had done
ñātimitā sakhā ca me;                                                      me good, He was my relative, my friend,
petānaṃ dakkhinaṃ dajjā,                                              my companion,” Recalling departed
pubbe katamanussaraṃ.                                 One’s, past relations and actions should
                                                                                                one make over to him share of the merit
                                                                                                born of good deeds.
10. Na hi ruṇṇaṃ vā soko vā,                                         No weeping, no sorrowing nor mourning
Yā caññā paridevanā,                                                       Ever help the departed ones, acting thus,
Na taṃ petānamatthāya,                                 Relatives only are
Evaṃ tiṭṭhanti ñātayo.                                                      Unhelpful to them.
11. Ayañca kho dakkhinā dinnā,                                   But when this sharing of merit through
Saṅghamhi supatiṭṭhitā,                                                   offerings, To those established in the
Dīgharattaṃ hitāyassa,                                                    Holy Order are made. Then this serves
Ṭhānaso upkappati.                                                          The departed ones for long, and accrue to
                                                                                                Them benefits instantly as well.
12. so ñāti dhammo ca ayaṃ nidassito,                      The obligation of relatives to departed
Petāna pūja ca katā uḷārā,                                               ones; Has now been clearly explained.
Balañca bhikkhūnaṃ anuppadinnaṃ,                          An excellent offering is made to the
Tumhehi puññaṃ pasutaṃ anappakanti.                    Departed; Monks, so nourished, are
                                                                                                Given strength, and you have thus
                                                                                                Acquired great merit!


