วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

2 พระวิภังค์ : vibhanga : The book of Treatises.

2 พระวิภังค์  : vibhanga : The book of Treatises.

Pañcakkhandhā:                                                                The Five Groups of Aggregates:
Rūpakkhandho,                                                                  The Group of corporeality,
Vedanakkhandho,                                                             The Group of feeling,
Saññakkhandho,                                                                The Group of perception,
Saṅkharakkhandho,                                                          The Group of mental formations,
Viññānakkhanhdo,                                                            The Group of consciousness.
Tatṭha katamo rūpakkhandho?                                      Therein what is the Group of
Yaṅkiñci rūpaṃ,                                                                 Whatever corporeality,
Atitānāgatapacuppannaṃ,                                              is in the past, or in the future or at
                                                                                                The present,
Ajjhattaṃ vā,                                                                       or internal,
Bahiddhā vā,                                                                       or external,
Oḷārikaṃ vā sukhumaṃ vā,                                            gross or subtle,
Hīnaṃ vā panītaṃ vā,                                                       inferior or superior,
Yan dūre vā santike vā,                                                   distant or proximate,
Tadekajjhaṃ abhisaññūhitavā,                                      (taking) these together collective and
Ab hisaṅkhipitvā,                                                               briefly,
Ayaṃ vuccati rūpakkhandho.                                        This is called the Group of corporeality.


