วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

14 อาฏานาฏิยะสูตร Atanatiya paritta : Homage to the Seven Past Buddhas.

14 อาฏานาฏิยะสูตร
Atanatiya paritta  :   Homage to the Seven Past Buddhas.

Vipassissa namatthu                                                        Homage to Vipassi, possessed  of vision
Cakkhumantassa sirīmato                                              & splendor. Homage to sikkhi,
Sikhissa pi namatthu                                                        symphthetic to
Sabba-bhutānukampino.                                 All beings.
Vessabhussa namatthu                                                   Homage to Vesabhu, cleansed, austere.
Nahātakassa tapassino                                                   Homage to Kakusandha,
Namatthu Kakusandhassa                                             crusher of
Māra-senappamaddino.                                                   Mara’s host.
Konāgamanassa namatthu                                             Homage to Konagamana,
Brāhamanassa vusīmato                                                the Brahmin who lived
Kassapassa namatthu                                                     the life perfected. Homage to
Vippamuttassa sabbadhi.                                               Kassapa, entirely release.
Angīrasassa namatthu                                                     Homage to Angirasa, splendid son
Sakya-puttassa sirīmato                                                 of the Sakyans,
Yo imaṃ dhamam-adesesi                                             who taught this  Dhamma ---
Sabba-dukkhāpanūdanaṃ.                                             The dispelling of all stress.
Ye capi nibbutā loke                                                          Those unbound in the world
Yathābhūtaṃ vipassisuṃ                                               who have seen things as they are,
Te janā apisunā                                                                  Great Ones of gentle speech,
Mahantā vitasāradā.                                                         Thoroughly mature.
Hitaṃ deva-manussānaṃ                                               Even they pay homage to Gotama,
Yaṃ namassanti Gotamaṃ                                            the benefit of human & heavenly
Vijjā-carana-sampanaṃ                                                   beings,  Consummate in knowledge
Mahantaṃ vitasāradaṃ                                                   & conduct, the Great One, thoroughly                                                                                                         mature.
Vijjā-carana-sampanaṃ                                                   We were the Buddha Gotama,
Buddhaṃ vandāma Gotamanti                                      consummate in knowledge & conduct.


